Chapter 0122
Chapter 0122
Cara’s POV
Without a second thought, I block Alaric’s new phone number immediately.
And while I’m at it, I decide to block Matthew Bedford’s contact information, too.
After that ridiculous proposal Matthew tried in the hospital the other day, he’s been trying to reach me constantly. I’ve ignored every attempt.
I don’t know what that Matthew Bedford is up to, but I just can’t trust a man who would try so hard to marry someone he barely knows. Something isn’t right about it… But it’s not my problem. If I have anything to do with it, I’ll never have to see that Matthew Bedford again.
I rest my head back on the pillow of my bed, pushing away all thoughts of the frustrating men in my life. I fall into a deep, restful sleep.
The next morning, I peel my eyes open and see two bright blue eyes staring directly into my own. I jump, shocked at the unexpected nearness, instantly rousing myself from any traces of sleep.
“Mommy! You’re awake!” my daughter Mia yells with glee.
I laugh, “Yes, I’m certainly awake now,” I tell her affectionately, pulling her little body into the warm of my bed for a large hug.
I hear a little cough and see Ethan standing in the doorway, staring at Mia meaningfully. The little boy coughs again.
What’s this?
Mia’s eyes dart back to Ethan quickly. Then she turns back to me, “I need to tell you something, Mommy.” Her voice is serious.
“Anything, my darling,” I tell her. “You can always tell me anything.”
Mia looks at me seriously, then darts her eyes to the ceiling, to my arms, to my feet, to everywhere and anywhere except my face. Finally, I hear her little voice speak, “Mommy, I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?! Whatever for?” I ask her, my voice full of concern.
“I’m sorry for asking you for a Daddy…I just love you so much and-” Mia’s voice starts to
I pat her back and softly “Shhhh,” but then Mia looks me in the eye, surprising me.
“Please, I want to get this out, okay Mommy?” She’s asking me not to interrupt her. I nod solemnly, a silent promise to let her continue.
Chapter 0122
I keep a firm hand on her back, though, rubbing with encouragement.
“I see you working so hard. I don’t want you to be alone… I just want you to be happy, Mommy,” Mia’s eyes fill with tears, but the little girl is bravely keeping them at bay.
“Oh, my darling. Come here, both of you,” I gesture for Ethan to join us in my big cozy bed.
The little boy walks over and jumps up, springing his little legs enough to climb onto the mattress. I pull both of them against me tightly whispering to them, “I am happy. Don’t you see? There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than right here with you, my babies.
It’s a deeply moving moment, one that has each of the three of us wiping our eyes when we pull away.
We get used to the new normal of not having Ruby around. I lean on my brothers more, and they are always happy to lend a hand. Colin has taken Mia to appointments with Dr. Marlow at the DarkWood hospital, and Ryan has been more than happy to continue teaching and learning with Ethan.
I’ve been keeping as busy as possible, even picking up extra shifts when someone else in
the pack leadership needs to take time off.
One Friday night, Eamon approaches me as I’m about to leave the office. “Cara, do you have any plans this weekend?”
I shake my head no, Colin had already offered to take Mia to her doctor’s appointment tomorrow. “Why?” I ask, “Do you need me to cover a shift? What can I do?”
Eamon chuckles, “Always so eager to help. No, I actually need you to do something far more important.”
Now I’m intrigued. “Really? What is it?”
“You’re going to sit at home and have a nice, relaxing weekend all to yourself. We’ve got the kids taken care of, don’t worry about them. You just take some time to care for yourself for once,” Eamon’s voice is gentle.
I’m so stunned I’m not sure I’ve heard him correctly. “What?”
“You’ve earned it, sis. Please just enjoy yourself,” Eamon smiles at me once more before disappearing through the door.
I make my way home feeling lighter than I have in as long as I can remember. I almost skip into the wine store, deciding to treat myself to a special bottle of something fancier than I’d normally buy.
Eamon said I should enjoy myself, after all.
I start a mental list of all the movies I’ve been waiting to watch, but am usually too tired for
Chapter 0122
by the time I put the ldds to bed after a long day of work. I line up about a half dozen titles by the time I get home.
I put some soft music on and pour myself a hefty glass of the new wine I’d purchased. It bubbles on my tongue and my shoulders instantly droop, relaxing, I sway my hips to the beat of the music as I take another big gulp of wine.
I grab the bottle and head to my closet, selecting my coziest sweater and leggings to change into. Unbuttoning my bra feels like heaven, and I absentmindedly rub the faint pink lines the material has left on my’skin,
I momentarily wish it was someone else’s fingers on my skin… when I realize what I’d been thinking, I quickly take another swig straight from the wine bottle and turn up the music louder.
I pull up the menu for my favorite take–out restaurant and excitedly call to place my delivery order.
Not long after, I hear a knock at the door over the sound of the music. I’ve had more than a few glasses of wine by now, and I’m clumsy as approach the door.
I see a bouquet of flowers peeking through the window to the side of the door.
Oh, no, I think. It’s probably Matthew Bedford, come to ask me out again. Or worse, come to ask me to be his wife again.
I sigh, disappointed that such a pleasant evening has taken an unfortunate turn.
But when I open the door, I gasp loudly, unable to contain my surprise.
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