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Rejected, And Became A Heiress (Cara) novel Chapter 69

Chapter 0069 


He thinks Cara has a husband

Did she say something like that to him

You’ll be lucky to be gone by the time he’s here,I hear my brother Colin say quickly


Colin is usually so calm and mature. He’s the quiet one! What’s he playing at, lying to Alaric like this

I shoot Colin a confused look, and Colin looks at me meaningfully. He’s silently nudging me, pleading to me to play along

Yes, if Alaric believes Cara has a husband, then he and Cara can never be together again

And, he will never know the children, the truth

My trickster brother Aidan picks up on Colin’s play immediately. Oh yeah, Cara’s husband is really tough!Aidan adds, smiling at Alaric menacingly

He’s so tough that he abandons his wife and child when they need him most?!Alaric growls. 

You wouldn’t understand,Colin says, He’s off on top secret Pack BloodyMoon family 


Colin puts extra emphasis on the word familypainting Alaric as an outsider. Alaric will never be an Auburn, that much is clear. And it’d do him some good to be reminded that he is not part of our family

And he’s certainly not a part of Cara’s family. And he never will be

That is none of your concern, Alaric,I say to Alaric confidently, backing up Colin’s lie. What happens to Cara and Mia is not your business.” 

The hell it isn’t!Alaric shouts

Enough!I shout back, growling at him. Alaric is visibly surprised by my volume and tone

I take a breath, steadying myself before this escalates any further

When I speak, my voice is calm and steady, You already broke one promise to us. It’s time to make another.” 

Alaric looks at me pointedly and I continue, Make no mistake, if you don’t make good on this promise, there will be severe consequences.” 


+25 BONUS 

Alaric raises a dark eyebrow at me. Consequences? What kind of 


You need us, remember? You and your pack need BloodyMoon resources. Keep this promise, and our alliance will keep moving forward.I say to him firmly

But if you go back on your word this time, you WILL regret it. I’ll be glad to make damn sure of that,Aidan chimes in, the threat in his voice clear

All of us will make sure you regret it!Ryan adds with a gleeful violence

What do you think you want now?Alaric asks, looking back and forth between each of us surrounding him. I can’t stay away from Cara now, not when she will be coming to my pack’s territory every week.” 

He makes a good point

And as Alpha King, do you really want me to leave your pack’s princess unattended? Consider the attack that just happened to her!Alaric says, referencing Cara’s terrible blind date and almostrape

Fine.I say simply, acknowledging his logic. You can see her,I start, and his shoulders relax the slightest bit

ButI continue slowly, savoring the look of tension and hesitation that comes to his face


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