hapter 0071
After he leaves, I lean my head back and close my eyes for what feels like only a moment. It must be longer than that though because when wake there are two nurses in the room providing medicine to a still sleeping Mia.
“Oh, sorry to wake you, dear,” the older she–wolf nurse says to me when she sees my eyes
“That’s alright, you didn’t wake me. I didn’t realize I had fallen asleep,” I say, reaching up to fix my surely disheveled hair.
“You’re Cara Wilson, aren’t you?” the younger she–wolf nurse asks me bluntly.
“That’s me,” I say softly, still rousing myself from my nap.
“Oh, I KNEW that was you! I remember you when you were only a little thing. Your Grandmother and I were friends,” the older nurse is very happy.
“She used to talk about you all the time, dear. She was so very proud of you,” the older nurse continues.
I smile genuinely at her. I wish Grandmother had lived long enough to meet Mia and Ethan. I know she would have loved them, too.
“Thank you. That’s very kind of you to say,” I reply, feeling Grandmother’s warmth at the mention of her name, even now many years
after her death.
“She was a very kind woman. Not many would be willing to take in an orphan after all,” the ‘ older nurse says.
“Well, Cara’s certainly not an orphan anymore. She’s a princess now!“the younger nurse laughs.
“It must be marvelous to be a princess! Napping all day, going to parties all night! What a wonderful life you must have now,” she adds, looking at me meaningfully to confirm her thoughts.
But before I can respond, the older nurse keeps going, painting the picture of a dream life fit for a princess, “And all the fancy clothing, the best jewels money can buy! And the men! You must have so many suitors!”
“And you must tell us of the princes! Are any of them single? Looking for a new princess perhaps?” the younger nurse bats her eyelashes, clearly fancying herself as a suitable option for one of my brothers.
The image of my wild and mischievous brothers Aidan and Ryan pops into my head and I
■ Chapter 0071
giggle softly, feeling sorry in advance for any she–wolf who would dare to date either of them. Those two are always up to so much trouble, I can’t imagine any woman willingly offering themselves to them.
And, I can’t speak much about my current life… Eamon told me not to tell anyone of my Beta status, so as much as I’d love to tell them that my life involves much more than napping and parties, I can’t.
So I say simply, “It is a good life, although little busy.”
There’s a soft smile on my lips, but I don’t say any more.
My phone buzzing.
“Sorry, Fcan’t say more. Let’s talk next time.”
I nodded politely to them and then stepped out of the room.
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