Chapter 008/
Cara’s POV
“Why are you so upset, sis?” Ryan asks me with a laugh. He’s got that mischievous grin on his face, looking just like his twin Aldan
I would have expected a prank like this from Aldan, but not Ryan,
But I’ve heard that’s what always makes Ryan’s pranks so much more effective than Aidan’s. No one ever sees Ryan’s misbehavior coming
“And you! I told you that you were not permitted to leave Bloody Moon,” I say to Erhan
The little boy’s face falls, the excitement of breaking the rules has clearly worn off. Now, he’s realizing that he’ll have to face the consequences of his actions.
Ethan certainly looks troubled by that thought.
“It’s my fault, don’t be mad at him,” Ryan says, still in a jovial mood.
I point towards the car, looking at my son. “Getback in the car, Ethan. Now, please.”
Ethan’s frown deepens as he steps back into the car. He wordlessly buckles himself in, resigning himself to whatever punishment is to come.
I spin towards my brother, “How could you do this? How could you bring him here? Don’t you realize what’s at stake?!”
Ryan grabs my elbow, moving me away from the car and out of earshot of the boy. “You should have seen him, Cara.”
“What do you mean?” I ask.
“He’s depressed.” Ryan says, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Depressed?” Ethan?
“You don’t realize what it does to him, being left behind over and over again. He just wants to be a part of what’s going on.” Ryan replies.
I bite my lower lip, considering Ryan’s comments. I know that Ethan has been sad each. time Mia and I have to leave, but I’ve explained it to him. I’ve explained that it’s not safe…
“He’s worried about her,” Ryan says, interrupting my thoughts.
When I raise my eyebrow at him, a silent question, Ryan continues. “He’s worried abou Mia. He just wants to feel like he’s doing something to help his sister… and his mother.”
I swallow thickly, touched by the thought that Ethan wants to help me. As if his little six- year old body could fix all of my very adult problems.
Chapter 0094.
“The best thing he can do to help her, to help all of us, is to stay out of sight,” I say.
“Yeah, well that’s not going to happen, so you need a new plan,” Ryan says staring at me with firm green eyes.
Ryan makes a good point, and I know he’s right
I don’t want to admit it, but I realize I’ve been neglecting my son in the interest of protecting him. I’ve been giving my attention to Mia, to my job, to all the other things that demand my focus throughout the day.
I’ve been taking Ethan for granted.
It’s a hard pill for a mother to swallow, but I know I can do better.
I must do better.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, formulating a new plan, just as Ryan suggested.
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