Chapter 0093
Cara’s POV
“But why? Why you leave us, Ruby?” I ask my best friend, deeply saddened by her news.
“I hate to do it, Cara. But I must. I must go. For Mia.” Ruby says simply.
“For Mia?” I ask, confused. How could Ruby leaving help Mia? Mia loves her Auntie Ruby.
I imagine what it will be like to tell the kids of Auntie Ruby’s departure, and I feel sick. The children will be devastated, I’m sure of it. Ruby has been like a second mother to them ever since they were born.
She’s been there with me through everything…
I met her as a child, as an orphan that no other kids wanted to play with. Ruby extended me a great kindness, showed maturity beyond her years, by choosing to befriend the little red- headed orphan. We grew up together.
Ruby was there for me as I was promoted to Beta and then Agent Luna for Pack DarkWood
She was there for me during my accident… she moved with me to BloodyMoon, leaving her own pack behind for the good of her friend.
She cared for my children in all the ways I could not during the five years of bedrest that
broken body was forced to endure.
And now she is leaving.
And I know that I can’t go with her.
“There’s a medical school far away, they’ve accepted me to come study with them. I’ve read their research reports. Cara, it’s incredible, they are on the verge of a cure; I just know it!” Ruby’s eyes are wide with excitement.
I almost feel the excitement radiating off of her, except the sadness is too great for me to
“A cure?” I ask.
“Yes! For Mia’s condition! This school, they have the technology… the advancements they’ve made in such a short time. This is it, Cara, I just know it!”
My best friend sounds so certain, so sure that this is the right thing to do. That her leaving will directly help my daughter.
So I swallow my own pain, the shock of my own loss, and smile at Ruby. “That sounds amazing, Honey.”
“It really and truly is amazing, Sweetheart,” the sound of my nickname on her lips makes
the tears prick at my eyes.
“What is the name of this wonderful school?” ask her.
“The Illari School of Medicine. It’s a long way east of here.” Ruby replies.
Illari School…
Why does that sound so familiar?
I’ve heard it somewhere before, I’m certain of that.
But who do I know that would attend a specialized prestigious medical school?
Suddenly, it comes to me.
My brother!
My brother who hasn’t been seen in years, after he left to study at the Illari School following his decision to work with Lilia in her plan to harm me. Richard told me that he would find a cure for my own condition… the one that has left me without the company of my own wolf Lucy for the last six years…
He promised he would get her back. He had said that his guilt for helping Lilla drove him to fix Lucy.
But, years later, there’s still no sign of Lucy in my mind..
And still no sign of Richard.
“I hate to leave you and the kids… and my new pack… but I’ve got to do this, Sweetheart. I’ve got to do this for Mia.” Ruby says tearfully.
The sight of big fat droplets falling from my best friend’s eyes does me in and suddenly I’m crying too. We embrace, sharing the warmest hug each of us has probably had in a very long time.
“I’m going to miss you so much,” I say to her earnestly.
“I’ll be back before you know it. And I’ll have a cure. I promise.” Ruby says into my shoulder, nuzzling her face into me.
The front door bursts open and Mia and Ethan race through the door.
“Mommy! We’re back!” Mia shrieks.
“What’s going on?” Ethan asks, seeing the emotional scene that they’ve walked into. Why are you both crying?”
“Children, gather around here. Auntie Ruby and I have something to tell you,” I remove
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myself from Ruby’s embrace, but maintain a hold of her hand for support.
Ruby looks to me, and I see her lips quivering, can tell that she doesn’t know how to begin, doesn’t know how to get the words out in a way that will help the kids understand why she has to go.
I decide to save her the trouble. “Mia, Ethan,” say looking at both of their happy little faces. “Auntie Ruby will be taking a trip soon.”
“A trip?” Mia asks.
“What kind of trip?” Ethan asks. “Where are you going?”
“Do you remember that Auntie Ruby is a doctor?” I ask them. Their little heads nod vigorously.
“Well, she has been offered a wonderful opportunity to study at a very fancy and very wonderful medical school to learn more about helping people. This will help her to become an even better doctor so that she can help even more people.” I keep my voice steady, even a little cheerful, as best as I can manage.
“She is?” Mia asks.
“That’s so cool!” Ethan yells.
“Yes! It IS so cool,” I chuckle, wiping the last remains of a dry tear from my eye. “It is a great honor, and we are very proud of her, aren’t we, children?”
“We’re so proud of you, Auntie Ruby!” Mia and Ethan scream in unison.
Ruby smiles tearfully and wraps the twins into a great big hug. Their small size for their six years of age allows her to tangle them both close to her body easily and my heart warms at the sight.
“But when will you go?” Ethan asks. “Will you be here for my competition? Oh, please say you’ll come to my competition!!”
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