Chapter 0099
Ethan’s POV
The special guest is Alpha King Alaric Grant?!
It’s him!
My biological father! At least, I think he’s my father…
I don’t know for sure yet if that’s true, but I hope to find out.
I told Auntie Ruby that I know who my father is, but she didn’t definitively confirm that it’s Alaric like I’d hoped she would. But she did confirm that my father may be found in Pack DarkWood.
It has to be Alaric Grant.
Based on everything I’ve read, based on all the conversations I’ve overheard between Mommy and my uncles and Auntie Ruby… It’s got to be him.
This is it.
This is the moment that I’m finally going to meet my father.
I see a man walk closer to the stage. I can’t get a good look at him yet, he’s too far away….
But I remember all of those horrible things he’s done to Mommy. All those bad things he
said about her.
If it wasn’t for him, Mommy wouldn’t have been in that car accident.
If it wasn’t for him, me and Mia wouldn’t have been hurt, and we wouldn’t be so much smaller than the other kids our age.
If it wasn’t for him, Mia wouldn’t have that terrible illness that makes her so sick that she has to go to the hospital.
If it wasn’t for him, Mommy wouldn’t need to work so hard to hide us.
But if it
if it wasn’t for him… I wouldn’t exist…
I don’t know what to think. I don’t know how to feel.
But I just need to know. I need to see him, finally.
My hands start to shake, and I can feel the fresh sticky sweat in between my fingers. I think
I’m nervous.
Who is this man? This person we’ve been hidden from?
But when the big man finally walks onto the stage, I feel the breath rush out from my lungs.
He looks so…
Cara’s POV
The person who stepped onto the stage was John, not Alaric.
Alaric’s Beta takes the microphone from the competition host, turning to the crowd. Apologies, folks, but unfortunately the Alpha King had to attend to other matters today. He sent me, his Beta, to present the award to our science champion in his absence.”
The crowd makes a collective sound of vague disappointment before unenthusiastically but politely clapping for the Beta.
“Tough crowd, huh?” Ryan says to me with humor in his voice.
“It’s not exactly the warm welcome every Beta dreams of receiving, is it?” I reply with
“Are you d “Are you disappointed?” Ryan asks me seriously. “That it’s not Alaric, I mean?”
“Why would I be disappointed?!” I ask him. “Of course I’m not disappointed!”
What would make Ryan ask me that?!
Mia rubs her eyes and tugs at my clothing. I can tell by the look on her face that she’s exhausted. It’s been a whirlwind of emotion today at this competition, even for those of us that are perfectly healthy.
Mia looks like she’s about to fall asleep at any moment. I collect her into my arms and before I know it, she’s fast asleep.
“You take her home. She needs her rest. Ruby, Aidan, and I will attend to our little champion,” Ryan says to me, noticing Mia’s closed eyes.
“Yes, let’s take him out to a restaurant to celebrate!” Ruby says excitedly.
“You all have fun! I’ll see you at home,” I call to them before turning towards the exit with Mia still asleep in my arms.
Though she’s small for her age, I feel the weight of her body in my arms as I make my way out of the building and towards the parking lot. I need to readjust my positioning several times to manage the burden of her weight.
When I get closer to my car, I see a figure in the shadow, a lit cigarette casting a warm orange glow in the darkness.
As I approach closer, I see who it is.
* Chapter 00
It’s Alaric!
He’s got a black collared dress shirt on, a few buttons undone at the top. His black hair is disheveled, brushed back in waves. He’s wearing tight black dress pants, outlining the muscles of his strong thighs.
He looks so handsome. So raw,
He looks like a devil come to tempt me.
I feel my body react to the sight of him before I can get a hold of myself. I clench, desperately trying to ignore the sensations.
“Cara,” he says quietly, his deep voice rippling through me.
“When did you start smoking?” I ask him, trying to take control of myself. I readjust Mia in my arins, her weight causing me discomfort.
He never smoked cigarettes before.
At least he didn’t back when I knew him.
I guess he really has changed….
He notices my struggle and swiftly drops his cigarette to the ground. He ignores my question, snuffing out the light with his shiny black dress shoe.
He walks closer to me, making my breath catch My pulse quickens as he gets closer still, an intensity burning in his eyes.
But he doesn’t look aggressive…. not angry… he looks…
He reaches his arms out, and deftly takes Mia into his strong arms in an instant. It looks like he barely notices her weight, his muscles are so well–defined and toned.
Mia’s so tired she doesn’t seem to notice the change in positioning.
I catch Alaric’s scent, and I immediately feel weak in the knees.
He smells familiar, yet and mesmerizing… like a warm rain in a mossy forest…. like a wood fire, warm and spicy….
I feel myself move closer to him, my body motivated by instinct alone.
Alaric nods his head towards my car.
“Oh!” I utter aloud, embarrassed that I had gotten so distracted.
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