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Rejected by the Beta Claimed by the Alpha novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22
At first, Althea didn’t realize it because this was the first time she experienced something like this, but she felt this sharp pain in her lower abdomen, she thought her baby was kicking her, but the frequency of it became more closer and this kick was different from before.
“Thalia, can you call a healer for me?” Althea asked, she sat down and panted.
Currently, she was still working in the greenhouse, but she could no longer stand up, thus she sat down there and was breathing heavily.
“Are you going to give birth?” Thalia widened her eyes, she looked shocked, but Althea smiled at her.
“I am not sure.”
“Wait! Wait! I will go and call the healer for you!” Thalia immediately left and a few people came to gather around Althea, a woman came to her side and confirm that from the look of it, she was going to give birth.
“Don’t worry, I am here. We are here, we are here… you will be alright.”
It was a bright day when people used to have their lunch around this time, thus there were several people, who saw this and. tried to show their support.
Meanwhile, a little bit far away from greenhouse, the king caught the commotion from there. He became more diligent to finish his assignment in this room because he could see what Althea was doing from there. It was a little bit creepy, as he literally stalked her from afar, but seeing her gave him peace of mind.
“What happened there? Why they gather there?” Alex asked to no one in particular, but his beta answered him after he gave a brief glance upon seeing what happened.
“Probably they found a beautiful flower,” he said nonchalantly, but Alex knew better it was something big. And his instinct told him to check about this commotion. “Where are you going?! You are not going to ditch your assignment, right?!”
Greyson and Northern growled at the same time and then followed their king, who had shifted into his beast, because he wanted to get to greenhouse as soon as possible.
The moment the king arrived there was at the same time the healer was there too, she just checked on Althea and confirmed that she was going to give birth.
“We need to get her back to her bedroom! Someone help me to carry her!” The healer said.
However, to their surprised, it was the king, who came from the crowd and marched toward Althea, he picked her up from the couch and ordered the healer to follow him, because she was too stunned to react quickly.
All of the people gasped to see the king and immediately bowed their head. They glanced at the king’s retreating back and a thousand question came into their mind.
How could the king carry a commoner?
So, the rumor was right?
So, they were indeed in a relationship?
What about the baby?
Would that baby be the king’s?
“Don’t think too far,” Northern said sternly. “Whatever happened here, nobody should talk about it again, understood?”
+ 62%
12:29 Tue, Aug 20 ti RR.
Chapter 22
All of the people answered the royal beta in unison.
However, Northern and Greyson knew better that it wouldn’t take long before the whole palace would know about this and the fact that the king was with Althea.
It would only a matter of time before those filthy elders from the court tried to bite the king with nasty rumors. They had warned Alex to be careful and put distance between him and Althea, but he was too stubborn to listen and they didn’t think Alex would care so much about the elders.
Meanwhile, inside the room, Althea was already in so much pain, she was breathing raggedly. She didn’t know that this would be this painful, she felt like her body would break.
Please, baby… be patient, please work together with mama…
Althea was worried that her baby would be hurt because she was in so much pain, but the healer reassured her that her baby was fine.
“The baby must be looking for a way out, you need to be careful and not to push before my instruction.”
“O- okay…” Althea answered shakily.
But, the problem from the healer was the king, because he was still there. She didn’t know why he was still there, he was holding Althea’s hand tightly and giving word of support to her.
The king acted like the father of the baby.
“Uhm, my king… don’t you want to wait outside?” The healer asked carefully, she didn’t mean to be rude, but she didn’t think this was appropriate for the king to be in delivery room, especially to the woman that was not his mate.
The healer only wanted to remind him about that, but instead, she got a dagger look and was given a direct order to focus on her job.
Trembling in fear, the healer decided not to ask anymore and focus on what she was doing. There were three more junior healers, who helped her, Thalia was also there to carry a basin full of warm water.
“It’s okay, Althea… your baby will be here… it’s okay…” Alex kept repeating the same thing.
Meanwhile, outside of the bedroom, Northern stopped Thalia when she was about to enter the room with a basin full of
“Is the king inside?” Northern asked her grimly and the little maid shivered, she nodded her head.
“Yes, yes royal beta Northern,” she replied.
Northern and Greyson could only shake their head, because they didn’t know what to say anymore at this point. There was no going back from this now.
Everyone in this palace would learn about it and what they needed to do right now was to prepare themselves for the storm
in the court.
“Alex is insane.”
“No, he is being infatuated with her,” Greyson corrected. He shook his head in disbelief.


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