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Rejected His Miracle Luna (Dorothy and Ignatius) novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111
Ignatius practically dragged me outside, tugging me along with a hand closed around my wrist. We had barely burst through the front doors, spilling into the moonlight outside before he had me pressed against the wall of the building.
I was completely captivated by the hot blaze of S**ual intent in his eyes, my worries forgotten in the moment.
For now, we were merely loving mates, hungry for each other and pulsing with desperate need. Nothing more, nothing less. I was willing to set aside my frustrations for the time being, better yet, to unleash them upon him in a furious display of charged erotic energe
1 quivered under his touch, gripping his back and moaning at the tantalizing brush of his sensual lips over my throat. Ignanus k*ssed along the juncture of my neck. My arousal skyrocketed when his hard b*dy flattened me to the wall, pinning. my hips with the slightest pressure from his own.
1 barely managed to undo one button before my hunger got the best of me, and I tore off his shirt, the fabric giving way to expose his arms and chest, his skin luminous in the moonlight. The scars that laced his chest were paler still, and my fingers traced the sporadic curves down to the seam of his jeans:
Ignatius blazed with dark S**ual desire, his jaw shadowed by stubble and his brows furrowing over stormy blue eyes. My mate, my counterpart. Irrevocably and unapologetically male. I stood completely transfixed by him as I watched the ice melt behind his eyes.
He claimed my mouth in a hot, demanding k*ss and I moaned, the sliding of his tongue robbing my knees of their last bit of strength. It was all I could do to stand upright, overcome by the Just that coursed in my veins.
His hands fisted in my hair, his grip almost painful in its intensity as he held me in place. I k*ssed him back with equal force. my explosive response every bit as fierce as his
I put my hands against his chest, my fingers grazing hard muscle while he pressed his thigh between my legs. When he broke the k*ss I leaned my head back against the wall, trying to regain focus, only to feel the warmth of his breath at my neck
I could feel his skin against my bare chest, pale in the moonlight, And his hand slid confidently down my back to the base of my spine.
“I don’t have it in me to take things slow.” his voice was rough in my ear, hot with arousal and a primal burning desire. “I don’t think you do either.”
I responded by grinding against his knee, breathless and panting while I worked to unzip my jeans. Ignatius did the honors for me, pulling the rough fabric down to my knees with ruthless efficiency while his mouth claimed mine again. His k*ss was urgent, and frantic, demanding all of me in a single bite.
I wove my arms around his neck, pulling him closer while my back arched against the wall behind me. I didn’t care that we were out in the open, and that Ignatius had me wet and vulnerable under his touch. I wanted this wild, delirious ride to last
I wanted to believe there was nothing beyond this point, only pleasure and playfulness. Only love and desire and burning
I could hear the ocean roaring in the distance, the sound competing with the blood rushing in my ears. I could hear Ignatius’s heartbeat, thudding against my palin as he k*ssed me desperately, granting me no time to reason or falter.
It was a bombardment of the senses, his knee pressed to my most sensitive point, my bottom lip snagged between his teeth. When his hand covered the swell of my breast I gasped, and the sound morphed into a gratified moarwhen his fingers gently teased its hardened peak
When he dragged his lips from mine and took the firm bud in his mouth, it was as if someone had plunged a flaming blade through my neck down to any pelvis Governed by my senses alone, my hips moved in a staccato rhythm, my b*dy dead set
1:05 Fri, Jan 26
Chapter III
on relieving the ache that had begun to build in my lower abdomen.
But Ignatius wasn’t ready to release me just yet. Before I could grind myself to an earth-shattering climax, he pulled away. and I let out a moan of betrayal
Ignatius brushed a thumb over my lips, the sa distic glint in his eye telling me he was taking great pleasure in watching me
My mate who was so cold on the outside, and so tender towards his family, also wielded a sharper, playfully dangerous side. I caught a glimpse of it then, when he sank to his knees before me, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.
Se desperate in my need for release, when his firm hands spread my legs apart again, I could do nothing but comply. I gasped when he ran a finger over the damp fabric of my underwhar, his hot breath fanning the flames that roared at my
And then in one smooth motion, he pulled the fabric aside and could think of nothing but the skilled strokes of his tongue the unerring accuracy as he circled my c lit, licking and sucking and sending me spiraling into new depths of debauchery.
1 struggled to stand, leaning back against the wall while I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, fis ting a hand in his tousled snowy hair. I tried to move my hips, to back against his mouth in search of a quick climax.
But Ignatius gripped my thighs tightly, securing me in place while he continued his sensual feasting. I was practically. sobbing at the intensity of it all and I groaned his name in a desperate plea
Ignatius’s voter was a husky command, an order that penetrated the fog in my head. “Look at me.”
And my eyes met huis. I knew without having to see it that my cheeks were flushed warm and red. My hair tumbled around my face, my chest heaving while I struggled to catch my breath,
Tenatius’s gaze was sensual, tinted with a touch of sadi stic satisfaction. His lips curved up into a smirk as he pulled away. taking pride in his ability to unravel me so effortlessly.
Before I could come to my senses, his fingers closed around my wrist, pulling me down to his level. He was gentle then, closing a hand behind the base of my neck and lowering me onto my back with a slow k*ss. He removed my jeans completely, along with my drenched underwear splaying me out beneath him.
Ignatius kept his eyes locked on mine, while he positioned himself at my center. I felt the silken heat of him scorch me to my very core as he buried himself inside of me with a single, hard thrust
I cried out at the sudden entrance, my voice ringing out into the night. I sank my nails into the rippling muscles of his back. My forehead knocked against his shoulder when I tihed my head forwand, overwhelmed by the sudden blend of pleasure and pain
Ignatius’s breaths were ragged as he thrust deeper still, exuding raw power and obsessive dominance that only I was allowed. to witness. This was a primordial pleasure reserved only for me, for the two of us together.
Just as much as I found comfort and relief in the vulnerability of surrender, so did my mate find satisfaction in these moments of pure possession.
My heart hammered in my chest when Ignatius cupped my face, gripping tightly and guiding my gaze so I could see nothing at him. His gaze was compelling, and the synergy between its was apparent before he surged into me again, a fast, Jan pace that left me gasping beneath him, dragging red lines cross his back Each poignant thrust drove me closer and closer to that release that had been withheld from me, and I reveled in the unadulterated pleasure.
When I began to spasin beneath him Ignanus slowed his pace, prolonging the release for the both of us, throwing the back the agong edge he had me on from the beginning But I had waited long enough to get my fix, and I refused in wat a moment longer
I leaned forward and upped at has button lip, dragging my tongue along his jawline and down his neck; aking hand emogli to drave faunes My guttural moan an has war was the tual stra ss and Ignatius thrust with a surge of awe found. feruary
Fri, Jan 26
Chapter III
I felt myself tighten around him, and I h o oked my legs around his waist, driving him in deeper as a back-breaking orgasm wracked through my b*dy. The scorching intensity of it left me breathless and twitching Ignatius came undone a moment later, swearing under his breath while I felt the hot liquid force of his own release
We both lay there for a while, with Ignatius still buried inside of me, pulsing as he rode out the last of his load. I lay on my back, gasping for air and waiting for the flames that enveloped me to cease. Eventually, Ignatius muttered something indecipherable against my neck before rolling over onto his back, and taking me with him.
I leaned my damp forehead against his chest, tracing his collarbone with my finger, listening to the elated beating of his heart
“Do you think anyb*dy heard that?”
I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped my lips. “Probably just a few birds, some deer and maybe a bat or two.”
Ignatius chuckled quietly before pressing a ragged k*ss to my forehead “Thank you, Dorothy.”
I lifted my head to gaze at him, falling endlessly into those cool blue eyes. His skin was damp and his white hair was pasted to his forehead in sha ggy straggles
I was certain my own hair looked like a bird has taken up residence there. We seemed to have a natural talent for unraveling each other completely.
I stroked his cheek, relieved to see him looking so human under my touch. “For what?”
For bringing me back.”


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