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Rejected Mate and Following Fate novel Chapter 105

The tension of the cool night air prickles my skin and I watch in dismay as the wolves nearby scatter off into the preplanned groups and move towards the village. Leaving me feeling like we are vulnerable and few. They are to try and gain alliance with those we left behind, from the shadows, and we’re to wait here as a front line for the invaders heading our way. They will drive us back towards the valley where we will be met with reinforcements and hopefully will have thinned out the invaders a little.

The witch can see them coming and we don’t have long yet it seems like it’s already been hours. Tense and hidden and waiting as our numbers lessen and our pack melts into the village to try and reinforce us with the ones we left behind. We need the numbers to stand a chance, and to avoid a collision with Juan beforehand in case we get distracted. Juan won’t focus only on them, but his desire to see Colton fall will push his hatred both ways.

My heart starts beating wildly in my chest as I cower behind my mate, flanked by my most trusted and close my eyes against the now heavy darkness to listen to the sounds around us.

“The vampires know something’s up and have split and made a wide berth around the valley. They changed course so waiting here is futile. They are aiming for the village, not us.” Leyanne bursts into our somber bubble, startling me in the process, appearing right beside Colton as though summoned from thin air. Her dark figure concealed with that witchy cloak she is so fond of, which makes her both mysterious and terrifying. If I had to conjure a movie witch in my head, she would look like this. Hair flying in the darkness face pale and delicate with almost black eyes.

“Shit. They know we’re here?” Colton shifts back to human to reply, still crouching on all fours.

“Likely. Varro has his spies much like I do and some of those beasts have wings. No doubt you were seen. Your wolves in the village….. have they had any luck?”

I shake my head in his stead, not knowing what sort of persuasions are going on as none of them have linked us yet. They might still be stealth crawling close enough to get in there before Juan’s minions kick off. It seems Varro has little to no interest in anyone but the ones still living on this mountain.

“We can’t stay here while they infiltrate behind us. We have to hit this face on. …..I need to go right to the target. My father. It’s the only way to get between them and be where Varro is heading.” Colton stands up abruptly and Leyanne turns away to shield his unexpected nakedness. She seems unphased by it since she has been around us but non wolves tend to be conservative about it in the way we are not. A sign of respect is to not stare at us naked.

“And then what? Fight him?” I blurt out in impulse and instant fear, shaking my head to try and dislodge the panic forming.

“It’s going to happen one way or another. At least if we are in there first, we can be more use than out here. If we stay here we might not be part of it at all.” Colton smooths his hand over my hair in a sweet and comforting way, knowing how I’m starting to feel. His voice tender for a second.

I know he’s right and I am clinging onto some hope that we can intercept Varro, that my existence will be enough to end this without a fight, even if deep down I know it’s a lie.

“Colton… not to sidetrack, but..” Leyanne interrupts with a sudden serious gaze. “About the issue with a certain previous conversation. The things I needed for a spell. I ticked it off my to do list while I was out perusing my birds.” Her penetrative gaze and hushed tone make it clear that her words are not for Sierra, who is close by and we both know immediately what she’s talking about.

The bind between our lives. She said she could break it and until now she hadn’t mentioned it again. This is her way of saying she didn’t forget and while she’s been absent, she took care of it. Quiet and efficient, just the kind of powerful witch she is. As though it was nothing more than a simple errand she had to run. She wants us to know before we head off to fight. That the danger connecting us to Juan, is now not an issue to anyone but Sierra.

“Hmmmm” Colton acts distracted and uninterested, but I can read his intensive focus on her and Leyanne sees it too.

“Problem solved. Isn’t an issue anymore. Completed a successful mini mission with absolution. Between us three, right?” She smiles softly and pats him on the head in an absurdly cute manner. I almost baulk and choke on my own saliva in disbelief that with a snap of her fingers, it’s just done. Half my life tied to my mother-in-law and now, blink, blink, it’s undone.

“I…..?” The words die in my throat as my mate catches my hand and squeezes it tight, bringing me back to my senses.

“Right. Thanks.” Colton coughs to cover my reaction and yet I can feel his sudden spike in adrenaline as it courses through me too. She’s unlinked us and now more than ever, Sierra should never find out. If she knew, she would sacrifice herself for the good of the pack and her son. We both know this.

Alpha… the Vampires are coming in from the mountain and south side. We need you here. It’s started.

The link comes at us out of the blue. Domi from the valley, a cry for help and everything becomes Chaos. My heart lurching because I know talking it over, making plans, it’s all futile. No longer hesitating because Colton’s decision is made for him.

Wolves begin breaking away from our line, Colton turns to me and pulls me close to him. It’s so fast, so rushed and I almost get lost in the movements. I try to cling onto them passing with sudden fear but he draws me to him and pulls me in to his chest.


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