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Rejected Mate and Following Fate novel Chapter 116

“I expected something a little less run down, grander. Do you wolves not believe in modern conveniences, like electricity and running water?” Varro mocks as he scans the large hall of the manor, scoffing at its dark and drab appearance. I can’t blame him, as since we’ve been gone, this place has fallen into some urban war disarray that I never imagined could possibly happen to this place. It feels and looks abandoned, dust and dirt on every available surface from neglect. I have no idea what happened and why Juan returned the valley to the dark ages.

“Funny.” Colton dismisses him with the dry tone he reserves for people liked Deacon, a wolf who once stood against him.

“We could try find the generators and power them up.” Meadow followed us in here when we moved and cuts in with a snappy tone, also peeved at having her home turf mocked. The other subs are here too, those who didn’t follow Jasper in pursuit of Juan and I give her a smile and nod in answer.

“They are running and powering the security system outside. It seems the main electric is cut off though.” Carmen is still hovering by the door, eyeing up the stranger in our midst with an air of suspicion and watching him like a hawk. Colton isn’t too relaxed either, but weirdly, I feel like the danger isn’t in here with us, even with Varro beside me. He has a presence for sure, of darkness and power, but yet there’s also a sense of calm and security about him. He’s weirdly vibed.

“Juan lost interest in maintaining the valley as somewhere to live comfortably. It became an army base and all home comforts were sacrificed as unimportant while he was busy ruining what was left of the pack.” The bitter tone of a stray wolf who was lurking in the shadows where we left him. One of those we first encountered when getting in here.

“We can figure something out. Come on Chica, me and you and our boys here.” Meadow clicks her tongue at Carmen, nodding to the subs and takes off at speed to light this place up. Reading the room and thinking maybe Varro, Colton and I need to be alone. I think she’s right. The atmosphere is somewhat strained and Colton is tense as hell now we’re in here with my bio father.

“Cozy.” Varro raises a brow, oozing sarcasm once more.

“Remind you of home, huh?” Colton bites back impulsively and I eyeroll at his obvious show of testosterone. Colton is in alpha mode and high on adrenaline. Right now he sees Varro as a male encroaching his territory, rather than someone needing to be negotiated with. I sigh it out and ignore the obvious sparks between them.

“So….. we’re here, alone. You wanted to talk, let’s do that.” I have no patience for this and the babies in my belly are fast sucking what energy I have. It’s the middle of the night and I’m tired and hungry. I need solutions soon so I can lead my people back out of here and see how many we lost. Then I can eat, sleep and recover this hellish night.”

“I didn’t expect our first real meeting to be under these circumstances, and honestly, I am not sure how to make this a little more pleasant. Getting to know one another is something I want, and I realize tonight there are too many strong emotions and a lot of mistrust lingering in the air.” Varro strolls about, running a pointer finger over a nearby mantle and tutting at the debris that dirties his hand.

“I’m not in the frame of mind to be talking about a father and daughter bond. My people are hurt, god knows how many dead. Tonight is a complicated mess and they come first. If this is an end, then let us go do what we need to do on the promise that this is truly over. Jasper will bring Juan and then I want you to leave.” I stand my ground, irritated by my own discomfort and fatigue. My head’s a mess and tonight I can only think of going home.

“A treaty. We meet to sign one, formally, in a few days. My own kind will want this in writing, and I assume so would yours. I know it’s a little old fashioned, but you are dealing with an ancient species with a flair for the dramatic.”

“Whatever. I just want this to be over. We have lost many, and I’m sick of the bloodshed and fear. I want a future where my children will feel safe and we can stop always hiding in the homestead, fearing the world outside our own door. If a piece of paper does that, then we can meet up and sign it.”

“It was always about my loss. I hope you can believe that and trust that this is truly over. You are alive, and my bloodline is about to be further spread with your offspring.” Varro seems genuine and yet so much is swirling inside of me while standing in this dirty and dark mess, that I can’t begin to unravel my feelings.

“If you go back on your word, and your hybrids rise up again….” Colton interjects, his biting tone clear.

“They won’t. As of tonight, their existence is surplus and they won’t be an issue in a few days.”

“Meaning?” Colton grinds his teeth, already knowing the answer. To him it’s vile to create your own kind and then massacre them when not needed. As wolves who value pack above all, its not something we can begin to understand.

“Do you want specifics? We create them for use, and we return them to dust when they are no longer required. Hybrids will disappear from around you. I have no need for them. And without purpose, they are rabid nuisances that create havoc for the human world.” Varro has given up surveying the dust and is now examining his overly long and pointy fingernails on his left hand. Like stiletto shaped daggers which I am sure have a purpose.

“Your kind are cold and heartless.” He snorts and turns away, unable to hide his feelings on the matter, his face a picture of disgust, but Varro just shrugs.

“My kind can’t understand yours either. Living as you do. I guess that’s the beauty of our separate species. Neither can stand in the shoes of the other or begin to understand them.”

I don’t really want a debate on Lychan versus Vampire while I’m standing here with one foot in both rivers. It’ll only end in argument knowing how pig headed my mate can be, and Varro doesn’t seem like a push over either.

“You were serious about my brother? You’ll leave him with me? Even if he refuses?” I break into their conversation and try to steer the attention back to me. Determined to know for sure that I can take my brother home.

“Yes. He’s had to live a very low-key life among my kind. Being one of our mortal enemies. Darrius protects him well but now he has a place to go and a purpose, I want him here, watching over my child and my grandchildren. It will be a relief to no longer shield him.”

“She has me to do that. If Jasper causes issue….” Colton bristles up, instant defensiveness and spins around to face us once more. His mood rocketing.

“Colton! Please. Jasper needs time and patience. We can bring him home and back to the pack, don’t be so hasty to dismiss him. He’s no threat to us.”

“Alora is right. As much as I will miss the boy after a decade of his company, he belongs by his sister’s side. He belongs among wolves. He has become so used to our community that I fear he maybe forgets what he is and might need some kind of rehabilitation. To remember how to be a dog!” Varro smirks and Colton’s eyes amber ever so slightly, a scowl on one corner of that normally very pretty mouth.

“We’ll take care of him, you don’t need to worry about that. He’s my family.” I cut in to dampen the mood and slide in between the two of them as Colton and Varro both seem to move forwards into the clearing in the center of the room and face each other off wordlessly.

“Well then. I guess once my package is delivered, all that is needed is a time and place for our reunion. Treaty in hand of course, and maybe some prettier surroundings. I am partial to a fine dining room with rich cuisine. Somewhere clean…. with less dust. I’m not allergic to a little light either.”

“Seriously?” Colton snorts again, showing his severe dislike of Varro, hating his every word, and I eyeroll. I know it’s going to take time for a born and bred vampire slaying warrior to warm to what was ingrained as an enemy, but he needs to chill a little.

“That can be done at the homestead, as long as you leave your hybrids behind. You and Darrius come alone.” Stern and to the point, I know the only way to deal with these two is to take charge.

“No way, Lory. Imagine the uproar if two vampires walk into the homestead. The pack will go crazy.”

Chapter 116: Loose Ends 1

Chapter 116: Loose Ends 2


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