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Rejected Mate and Following Fate novel Chapter 61

I lie still, watching her, frozen, breath raspy to match my elevated heart rate, but my fears begin to calm and fade as she slides down her hood with a slow even movement, and illuminates the room with a magical blue glow of both her hands. Like a mesmerizing smoky orb around each, that follows and traces with every movement. Hypnotic in nature.

Sierra Santo is a very beautiful woman, with almost milky skin, despite looking exotic. Her dark hair frames a delicate bone structure, and her eyes, although electrifying blue right now, are almond shaped under straight thick dark brows, so perfectly symmetrical. She has pouty lips, and an ever-present youthful charm that completely warms her to you. A face that says, 'I can be trusted' to match the surrounding atmosphere of serene she always carries

I sit up, gasping in wonderment at the light show, and reaching out to touch what I can see as she moves in and sits on the side of my bed with grace. She allows my hand to wander into hers, seeking out and investigating, before firmly surrounding my small hand in her own fingers and encompassing me within the warmth. I expected the blue air to be cold, but it's almost like being submerged in a hot bubble bath, and I giggle at the tickle of it.

"Don't be afraid, Alora… it's magic. Special, gentle, and yet so very beautiful, and kind, when used the right way. Would you like to do some magic with me while I tell you a story?" Her eyes are still that dazzling brightest azure, and I look from her hands to her eyes in awe at the vibrance of this mystical light she's able to produce. My curiosity killing the last of my fears, and I nod with the enthusiasm of a child who wants to discover more. Naïve courage, because of my innocence

Of course, I shouldn't be afraid, this is the Luna Santo and I do know her. She comes to the library to read us stories and plays with us sometimes. well she did, before all the grownups left to fight a battle. Just like my own mommy and daddy have. and my big brother Jasper. and my grandparents. and most of the rest of the Whyte pack. I stay with Mommy's friend while they're gone, Aisha Munro, one of our pack. who is big and round because she says she's having puppies. Sierra has a son around my age, but I don't like boys. and I don't like playing with Santos. They're always so pushy and aggressive when we do. and I prefer my friends from the Whyte pack. We're softer, we play less rough and tough games than fighting and hunting. They're just stupid.

"How can a wolf do magic?" I ask, blinking trustingly and adjusting to fully see her in this dimness, leaning up against my headboard and shuffling my butt so I can sit properly. With blue as our light source, everything it touches between us is shaded in cold hues, which add even more magic to the atmosphere all around us, and I smile as I watch it envelop my own hand and spread up my arm. It feels strange, but good, like soft gentle air being blown across the surface of my skin, only warm.

"Well that's a story, and one I would like to tell you. Remember how we used to read at the library, when you all laid on the floor, and closed your eyes so you could get lost in the pictures your mind creates? We can do that now if you like, so you can listen and empty your mind from any distractions. I need you to focus on my words and not my light." Her voice is so soothing, low, yet pretty. I've always liked Sierra's voice, it has such a calming quality, like a warm wave washing over you on a cool day. A husky depth that is a little lower than most femmes, but it's melodic.

"Yes!! I love your stories." I reply in unleashed excitement, hurrying to lie back down in my bed and eager to hear this one. I bounce, and shuffle, while still holding her hand and wriggle myself down like a squirming caterpillar into my sheets once more, pushing my head back against my cushion, sinking in. I don't care why she's come in through my window and not the door. Or why she came in the night, I want to be a good girl and listen to her magical adventure story. The one in which a wolf learns magic. That's crazy, and even I know that wolves can do no such thing!

My mommy used to read me stories in bed, and maybe because she can't be here right now, Sierra came to do it instead. She's a Queen so she can come home when she chooses, but my mommy is a warrior, and she has to stay away and protect us from the bad men who came to the mountain to hurt the wolves. Mommy is really strong, and fast, and such a good fighter for being a farmer wolf, so she said it was important that she went with them to chase the darkness away.

Sierra tucks me in neatly, pulling my blanket up to my chest, but keeps my one hand in hers snugly and tightens the grip she has on me. She slides back a little and lays my wrist on her knee which splays open my palm to disengage hers, so she can touch my hand without holding it properly, and with gentle strokes begins to circle in the center in a rhythmic motion. The sensation sends both shivers, and goosebumps, across my skin but it brings back the sleepiness and has the same effect as rocking me back to sleepiness.


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