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Rejected Mate and Following Fate novel Chapter 64

I feel so stupid, so guilty, and ashamed, and I regret that it took until now to know this. I look down at the floor, unable to look him in the eye while shame washes through me and my own stupid pride takes a dent.

He didn't break the bond, he didn't betray me, and in fact, he came home willing to fight for me, only to find me gone and it was too late. I'm mad at myself for the weeks of shutting him out, when one link and he would have told me to come home to him or came for me. Weeks of heartbreak, and loneliness, when he was always there waiting for me, looking for me, and not about to give up on us. He meant it… he really didn't, and I've held him at arm's length because I believed his pain and betrayal was something else.

"Why didn't you just ask me when I came for you? This could have been over then." Colton steps towards me, his voice now low and level with regret seeping in. A soft little movement closer towards me, to tighten the gap and surround me with his smell, and presence, and I stay still, eyes dropping to my feet in both apology, and mental fatigue. Finally, able to let go of some of this anger, and pain, and it leaves a gaping heaviness within me because I've been carrying it for weeks. It was all so unnecessary.

"I didn't think I needed to. I felt something... we're linked. I figured you knew that I knew." I sound feeble, small, tears stinging my voice as he moves closer. Colton slides his strong, warm hands up my arms, from my wrists, until one rests on each shoulder, and he exhales heavily as he pulls me the last tiny inches towards him, so we are only millimeters apart. His touch and heat soothing me with his gentleness.

"I had no idea you even thought it, or I would have told you, Lorey. I had no idea this was in your head and assumed you would have known I didn't mark her. I figured you were mad about how it ended, and that I made you feel like leaving was the only option. I'm sorry, baby, for everything, but I swear on my pack, on my life, on us, that I haven't done anything to betray the bond. I've stayed true to you. I'll project every memory you don't have of our time apart and prove it." His soft voice falls over me like a warming balm, and I break down into stupid little sobs and thrust myself at him to be held. I'm the one who needs a little forgiveness in this moment, so easy to break when I know he never did anything to make me hate him.

Colton doesn't hesitate and wraps me up in his arms tight and presses me to his chest, a full body hug, safe, and secure, as all the pain and heartbreak ebbs away and I cry for everything I've gone through these past weeks. Hating him, needing him, being broken hearted over him. It all seems so foolish and nothing now I'm wrapped up tight against him, with his breath on top of my hair, sweeping away all of it. The boy who was my rock, and my words of wisdom, right back here, where I need him, and he does what Colton does best. He holds me up and soothes away my anxiety and tears.

"I'm sorry…" It's a muffled, pathetic noise, I make against his solid, smooth chest, his skin on mine is like coming home to the best place in the world and being enveloped in warm cozy safety.

"No, baby. I am, for everything. This is my fault. I failed to do what I was meant to. I failed to nurture and protect my mate and didn't even figure out how much pain you were in over a stupid misunderstanding. Forgive me, Princessa…. Give me another chance to prove I can be what you need. What you deserve." Colton leans back, sliding his hand between us to separate us a little, guides his fingers under my chin and tilts my face up to him so he can look me in the eye. The watery mess of a girl having an emotional break, and he wipes my jawline with his thumb as he does so, to catch some drips waiting to let go. Taking care of me, how he always does, and it makes it hurt with more intensity. I've been so stupid.

"For someone so strong, you sure like to cry a lot." It's a smile with humor, that shines back in his eyes, and those dimples make a worthy appearance, melting me a little more. It makes me snort a small chuckle through my tears and I wipe my nose on the back of my hand, lightening my mood with a smile.

"That's because my mate's an asshole, and he inflicts it." I point out sarcastically, still trying to dry my face as he begins to help, by lifting his shirt and using it to dab my skin dry for me. Colton leans in and head bops me on the forehead with his softly, and sighs at me, his dimples back on show, hinting at a subtle smile.

"Mate, huh? Thought that was never happening again?" a naughty gleam, a cheeky knowing grin spreading across his face, and despite how much I love him, I have the urge to knee him in the balls for joking at a time like this.

"Don't push your luck. I have plenty to still be mad about." I shove him back by placing two hands on his chest, finding a little of that strength he goes on about, and pulling myself together once more, swallowing the sobs, and sniffing away the mess. Colton lets go of my face and catches me by the hips instead with fast reflexes and hauls me back, so we bump groins and nestles me against him.

"Yeah, but…. I know how to fix it. I have a tried and tested method that seems to always work on you." That sly gleam, and before I can open my mouth to question that response with a 'what?', he swoops in faster than the speed of light and kisses me hard on the lips, locking his mouth to mine and fastening us together passionately. I'm too stunned to react at first, as his warm, soft lips, fit perfectly to the curves and grooves of mine, warming my skin, and silencing my upset fully. But almost like he hits a button, the fire inside of me ignites and I open my lips a little to let him in.

Colton kisses me softly at first, teasing me with the tip of his tongue and I respond and find a rhythm in the deliciousness of kissing him again. So many feelings brimming to the surface, and sweet pains at knowing his touch like this once more. We always worked this way, and as I let it develop into French kissing, with tongues smoothing one another, lips pressed tight, our faces connected. I slide my arms around his neck and pull him as close to me as I can. Absorbed in him, with no more mental voice trying to drag me away anymore. I wanted him, always. I loved him, even when he broke me, and this is what I've longed for.


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