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Rejected My Alpha Mate novel Chapter 18

Rachel POV

Camelot Records Auditorium

I was going to vomit.

"Rachel! I'm so proud of you! We had hundreds of thousands of viewers tuned in! They're going crazy for your real life love story."

Waving at Howard, I gestured to the restroom, "I'm so glad. Please excuse me. I need to---"

"Now you want to be excused? Why the urge now?"

Stunned, I found myself unable to finish speaking. I hadn't expected Tyler to be present for the press conference. Moonrise Entertainment did a lot of business with Camelot Records, but my contract would have been no interest to them as I was signed as a live act with recording contracts only.

Moonrise dealt with performers whose work was in film or special productions they could sell out based on their limited engagement status.

My tour schedule was going to keep me busy for the next two years. I wouldn't be a rare commodity anywhere except my own bed---which suited me fine as I didn't even have a bed to call my own at present.

"Aren't you going to explain yourself?"

"I don't see what I have to explain, Tyler. Why do you care? Why are you even here?"

"I can't come see my mate perform tricks for an audience? Everyone is welcome except me?"

I winced at his description. Some would think I felt as if I were being put on display as a prized pet, but I saw this press conference as a chance to showcase my musical talent which I'd been forced to hide away for too long already.

I was not going to be shamed into silence because Tyler Wright was hurt my life hadn't ended when I rejected him.

Straightening my spine, I forced down my nausea to bite out, "I was told this press conference was to introduce me and my music to the world as Camelot Records latest signed artist. They seem quite pleased with my tricks. If you're unimpressed, you're welcome to leave. If you want to stay, you're welcome to do that, too. Give me my rejection and I won't care who welcomes you where for the rest of your life."

"You talk too much," Tyler said bitterly.

He stopped looking at me; I was glad for the reprieve because my nausea was touch-and-go. The pregnancy sickness had taken hold of me with a vengeance. I wasn't safe from it based on time of day or type of meal I ate. All I could do was find a facility when the urge struck and clean myself up afterwards.

"No, I didn't talk enough. If I had, I would have told you I was leaving years ago to spare us both this moment. Excuse me."

I desperately needed the restroom facility to splash water on my face if nothing else. I could sometimes fight back the nausea if I cooled myself down quickly enough. Tyler would have to hold onto his offended sensibilities for a few moments while I composed myself.

"Go," Howard urged me, touching my elbow gently to catch my attention, giving a subtle nod to Tyler to let me know he would handle him for a few moments.

I had no words for my gratitude so I hoped my relieved smile was enough. I didn't hear what Howard was saying, my focus was on getting into the bathroom to cool down. I felt as if I were wearing a shroud rather than the delicate blue silk sheath Bella had loaned me.

Soaking paper towels under the cool water, I rubbed the back of my neck, my collarbones, down into my decolletage. I chased away every hint of sweat with the cold, refreshing towels and gradually found my temperature going down along with the urge to be sick.

"Don't tell me you're sick of fame already. I would think you'd be loving this as attention-starved as you are, but what do I know?"

Charlotte Wright was the last person I wanted to talk with alone in the lavatory. I finished refreshing myself then tossed the used towels before striding past her without a word. She dogged my footsteps which was fitting for a bitch of her caliber.

"Ready for your adoring audience again, are you? Better hurry. They'll forget your name if you're gone too long."

"I doubt that. My name is on all the signs, brochures, and the limited edition drives you can get a copy of my hit song on---if you're with the press. I could ask my agent if he could get one for your personal use, Charlotte? If you're feeling left out?"

#Chapter 18 You owe me a conversation. Now! 1


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