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Renewal Of Love novel Chapter 172

Although Kevin was melancholic, he was merry deep down in his heart.

It took a lot of ups and downs for him to understand how worthwhile Anne was.

Today, even though Anne refused him, he was determined because he wanted to win the woman he loved. If all else failed, his last resort would be to overindulge her until she agreed.

As the night fell into darkness, Kevin couldn't help but smile,

because he couldn't get a hold of his enthusiasm when he envisioned the peaceful and happy life with Anne in the future.

However, the person that went running in his mind had already fallen asleep.

The next morning, the clock ticked eight. Anne was awakened by the glaring sunshine. The sun had risen very high outside, illuminating the room with silhouettes and making it as warm as a cup of coffee.

She looked at her watch and felt a sense of peculiarity. The baby didn't cry today, and the nanny didn't knock at the door.

She put on her slippers and went out. In the living room, she saw Kevin holding the baby and feeding him with a milk bottle. His gentle expression looked like a loving father at first sight.

As she saw this, a sudden smile appeared on her face. Did Kevin really change? But that didn't matter to her. She only cared about the baby's contentment and welfare in the future.

"Come and have breakfast," Kevin invited.

It was not until then that Anne noticed the prepared breakfast on the table, which were toasted slices of bread, hot milk, and rice porridge warming up in the electric rice cooker.

But they all looked unappetizing.

"Did you cook these?" pointing at the bread, Anne asked.

"Yes, how did you know?" Kevin was delighted. Did Anne pay attention to him all the time and that was why she could distinguish what he cooked?

However, Kevin's happiness only lasted until Anne spoke. "That's because what you have done looks awful."

She was right. The nanny couldn't have made such an unappetizing breakfast.

Kevin's face suddenly became red as he felt embarrassed. The nanny beside him tittered and said, "When I was cooking today, Mr. Kevin said that he wanted to cook by himself. It was very thoughtful of him to take the initiative to cook, so I let him be."

With some realization, it suddenly occurred to Anne that when Kevin cooked for her for the first time, she was exhilarated by the romantic experience. She thought that Kevin had feelings for her, but later she found it was not the case at all.

"I’m sure looks can be deceiving." Anne nodded and picked one up.

She took a bite and frowned. Sure enough, it tasted as bad as she thought. It was clear that cooking wasn’t Kevin’s forte. He even burnt the toast like a plank of wood.

"Why are you here anyway? Aren’t you needed at work?" Anne asked curiously.

However, Kevin was calm and said, "It's getting cold recently, so I postponed the work for half an hour. There's no need to be in a hurry."

Anne looked at the clock and said, "It’s already eight twenty. You still have forty minutes left, but I think you should go as soon as possible."

"Actually, it's no big deal if I skip the day," Kevin hinted in a gentle voice.

However, Anne had already taken the baby to the nursery, where the sound of her lullaby and the baby’s adorable cooing could be heard from time to time.

After finishing his words, Kevin smiled faintly and then went to work.

In the AN Group building.

Everyone was buried in their work when they suddenly heard a car pull over just now.

From behind a row of green plants, Daniel raised his head to see who it was. He felt that someone was going to be unlucky, but it was Kevin he saw.

"He just arrived?" Daniel was stunned and said incredulously.

But it was true. He had never come so late.

"What are you looking at? Aren’t you all busy with something?" Kevin's beaming face suddenly turned cold, and everyone shivered.

"Work hard, or your salary will take the blow from your slacking off." After saying that, Daniel followed Kevin upstairs.

When Kevin arrived at his office, he went straight to his chair, sat down, and opened the document placed on his table. He examined the room's interior, feeling that the surroundings were boringly empty and desolate.

Except for the grey curtains, there was a black table, his seat, and the stillness in the air. Kevin furrowed his brows.

"Where are the succulent plants here?" Kevin asked.

"I moved them out," Daniel answered.

Kevin's face darkened. "Who told you to move them out? Put them back here."

His imperative tone made Daniel panic. "Okay, I will do it right away."

Daniel walked out quickly. When he went out, he was so distressed that he wanted to ram his head into the brick wall. He curled his lips and seemed to be about to cry. "Have I offended the president recently?" he whispered.

Considering his loyalty and dedication, he shouldn’t worry a dime. He had always been obedient to his boss. How could he offend Kevin?

Although he felt wronged, Daniel still moved several large succulent plants back into Kevin's office. The door of the office was temporarily open. When he saw the faint smile on Kevin's face, he was very confused. Did the president encounter something happy? Did he win the lottery?


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