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Renewal Of Love novel Chapter 540

Another five long days passed by without any further developments. Kim was now a wanted man and the entire city was on the alert, yet he still managed to master deception and no trace of him was found.

Brandon's phone number was now completely useless to the investigation. The information about its location hadn't changed as it still indicated that the phone was at Kevin's company.

Unfortunately, Kevin could not rack his brain any further for a possible reason for what was happening.

Besides, Kim no longer seemed to pose a threat to anyone. He had not harassed or threatened anyone. It was if he had no opportunity to do so from wherever he was currently. The general opinion was that it was safe to go about their lives without throwing any caution to the wind.

But just when everyone had become relaxed and somewhat complacent, that was when something disastrous occurred, like a bolt out of the blue.

On that day, the sun had not yet rose and everyone was fast asleep in their warm beds. Suddenly, the shrill ring of Anne's phone woke everyone up, unceremoniously.

Anne was in the middle of a nightmare when she was so rudely awakened. In this dream, Colin stood before her, drenched in blood. He grabbed her around the neck, throttling her, and he was asking furiously why she had caused him such harm.

Just then, her sleep broke.

The caller ID identified that it was Rose. She anxiously rubbed her brow, filled with concern. She thought perhaps Rose was calling regarding something or the other to do with the business. But when the call connected, Rose sounded distraught beyond measure.

"Anne! Someone has attacked Mark and kidnapped him!" Anne could hear from Rose's voice that she was crying. "What should we do? We have to do something! Surely Kim is behind this! What if he tortures my Mark? What if he kills him?!"

The panic in Rose's voice echoed in Anne's ears, tormenting her. Her heart rate escalated dangerously.

Rose and Mark had taken the necessary precautions. In fact, they had enlisted the services of no less than five bodyguards to constantly accompany them. And yet... Kim still managed to abduct Mark.

There was no need to think any further. It could only be Kim. No one else would target them.

"Rose, don't panic - we will find him," Kevin comforted.

Anne closed her eyes, trying to deal with her inner anguish. Kim's warning rang in her ears over and over. A sad smile of utter disbelief played slightly on her lips.

No matter what security precautions were taken, Kim always managed to pierce through them with ease.

He was a man of his word. She didn't capitulate to his request that she should leave her family and go with him to a place that no one would find them, so he was meting out his vengeance on Mark.

'Kim, you really want me dead, isn't it?' she thought.

"Kevin, we really have no choice." Looking at Kevin helplessly, Anne continued, "We have taken as many precautions as humanly possible, and we have still failed dismally. Mark has been abducted.

Kim was brutal enough continuously torture Colin, even cutting his finger off. To what brutish treatment would he submit Mark?

Would he cut off Mark's entire arm?

Colin's bloody form, fresh in her memory from her tormenting nightmare flashed before her eyes once more. Her eyes became bloodshot. Inside herself she couldn't help but berate herself. 'I have already caused such harm to Colin, implicating him in this messy affair. I cannot do the same to Mark, I won't. Rose can't live without him.'

"So you want to leave me and our children?" Kevin's voice was heavy with impotency.

He had truly believed that Kim would not have another chance to cause any further trouble. He really didn't think he would manage to kidnap yet another person, especially Mark.

In this moment, Anne could not take it anymore and broke down, which in turn caused the same response in Kevin.

Why? Why did Kim keep pestering her? Why couldn't he leave them be?

With her eyes opened wide in distress, she thought, 'Should I leave Kevin? Must I leave my children?'

Was she... Ready? Capable?

"Anne - calm down. We will find a way. We will find a way!" He put his arms lovingly around her shoulders.

But time was of the essence, and it was running out very quickly. It was easy to take a life. It could happen in the blink of an eye.

Did they really have time?

Where on earth was Mark now? Would they even manage to locate him before his life was taken? Would what happened to Colin repeat itself on Mark?

Would Rose be able to handle such a consequence?

"Ha ha..." Anne pushed Kevin's hand away, rolled her eyes towards the ceiling and laughed derisively.

It was the dead of night but everything was about to be disturbed. Her cold voice cut through the night, it had a chilling and eery effect.

Without saying another word, she walked decisively towards the wardrobe and numbly, mechanically started sorting some dresses out for packing to leave.

Kevin put a nervous hand to his forehead, rubbing it gently to ease his strain. He wanted to rush to her and fling the clothes out of her hands.

But he knew better than to do this.

After putting on some clothes, she walked to her dresser and packed the remainder of her things.

Then, she continued to her room, and packed all her belongings neatly into her suitcase.

Anne and Kevin both knew that Kim had his men watching their home. They would be keeping an eye on every member of the family. They would definitely alert Kim of her departure as soon as she left.

Anne's leaving could save Mark.

So Anne was going to leave. She wanted to do everything in her power to save Mark the agony of whatever he was being put through.

After packing up, Anne took her suitcase and made her way to the exit. Kevin reached out a hand to stop her, but in the end, he didn't say anything.


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