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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover novel Chapter 1163

Chapter 1163 Killing Spree

“We’re under attack! Get ready! Now!”

Chaos erupted on the road in an instant.

The people inside the Jeep leaped out after hearing the commotion behind, only to be dumbfounded as they saw their dead comrade.

“What the hell happened? There’s someone else around here other than us?”

Yet, no one could answer that. After all, everyone had long been thrown into panic, nor did they have any idea who had just attacked them.

“Make a phone call and find out if those guys are behind this, Benedict.”

Dressed in traditional wear, a man who looked like he was in his seventies got out of the Jeep with the help of a cane and spoke to the person who had alighted the vehicle first.

It was the same elderly man from the casino.

After being given a reminder, Benedict whipped out his phone and prepared to make a call.

Suddenly, the sound of another gunshot pierced the air.


Another bullet came flying their way, and Benedict watched as his hand holding onto the phone detached itself from his arm.


That was the most agonizing pain he had felt his entire life.

Everyone else including the old man with the cane jumped in fright as the scene unfolded in front of their very eyes.

A sniper rifle!

This is a sniper rifle!

The elderly man noticed something unusual about Benedict’s broken wrist. Apart from blood spewing out of it uncontrollably, there was also something blue surrounding it. It’s the exact same kind of bullet we developed!

“Hurry! There’s a sniper around here! Everyone hide!” Fear finally surged within him as he ordered everyone to run for cover before hopping back into the Jeep.

Unfortunately, it was too late by now.

Right after the ambush on Benedict, the sounds of marching footsteps resonated from the top of the mountain. Soon, everyone spotted a series of gold badges shining brightly under the sun.

The badges embedded on each helmet struck fear in every person who laid eyes on them—as though its bearers were gods who had descended from heaven.

Oh, my God. Aren’t these special forces?

Having forgotten about his pain, Benedict clutched his bleeding arm and leaped back into the Jeep.


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