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Returning from the Dead: His Secret Lover novel Chapter 582

So it was all because of that. Oh… he already knew.

Paralyzed by an overwhelming sense of terror, Sasha was as still as a statue. Her mind was in such a mess she could not make heads or tails.


Her catatonic state alarmed him, making his heart sink further.

Is there really something going on between them?

The man fell silent.

For a few seconds, the world was reduced to just the two of them sitting side by side in the dining carriage. It was a pin drop silence and definitely resembled the calm before the storm.

The silence was finally broken by the service staff who had returned with the hot chocolate. “Is everything okay?”

He, too, sensed the palpable tension in the air and felt a tingle in his scalp.

Fortunately for him, Sasha snapped back to reality upon his entrance.

“Oh… It’s all right. Is this hot chocolate? Thank you very much,” she said while taking over the cup with her icy cold hand.

Sasha was holding it as though it was not some steamy hot chocolate in a porcelain teacup.

Sebastian stood in front of her and studied her stupefied expression carefully. At that moment, he felt as though he had just fallen into an abyss.

“Darling?” he uttered softly.


When Sasha glanced up and locked eyes with Sebastian, she tried but failed to conceal the frantic state that she was in.

Her mind went into a frenzy. She could not even look at the man in the eyes without feeling guilty.

For the past few days, she had been blaming Sebastian for behaving unreasonably and making her upset. It now dawned on her that she was the root problem. However, she was struggling to offer a good explanation for what had happened.

“Yes. He did come looking for me at the hospital the other day, but it wasn’t what you think.” Many thoughts rushed through her head in an instance. Still holding onto the hot chocolate, Sasha started to recount the incident.

The man continued to keep silent. He was holding his breath just so he would not miss a word.

“Apparently, Solomon’s mother had said something to him, that was why he came looking for me at the hospital to thank me for begging you to let him off.”

Seeing as Sebastian was still waiting for her to elaborate on the matter, Sasha continued, “I’ve already denied my involvement in that matter, but he insisted that his mother had told him everything, so I panicked. I was afraid that you’d be upset about his visit, that was why I’ve decided to keep this from you.”


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