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Revenge After Death (Michael and Stephanie) novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121 

After Ignatius was brought back, he lay on the bed, looking unwell

Martin and Dax arrived with sinister intentions

Most of the Lincoln family’s distant relatives were present, each with their own motives

They still believed I was the weak and easily manipulated Stephany who was brought in to secure the Lincoln family’s inheritance

Unbeknownst to them, I wasn’t the same old Stephany anymore

Ignatius is sick, and the Lincoln family can’t go without a leader for too long. I don’t see anyone competent enough here. One’s a fool, and the other’s an outsider,Martin remarked disdainfully as he cast a glance at Steven

That outsider he referred to was me

Smirking, Martin approached the bedside. Ignatius, if you agree to let me take control, just nod. I’ll ensure Lincoln Group prospers under my leadership.” 

Despite his anger, Ignatius was unable to utter a word. He gripped the covers tightly, shooting a fierce glare at Martin

Mr. Lincoln Senior mustn’t be agitated,Ewan interjected solemnly

I believe Ignatius has agreed,Martin declared

Who says Grandpa agreed?I entered the room, standing firmly by Ignatiusside. ” 

Everything that belongs to the Lincoln family, including the shares of the Lincoln Group, is for my unborn child who’s the rightful heir of the Lincolns. Am I right, Grandpa?” 

Ignatius stared at me as I spoke. Though taken aback by my statement, he reluctantly nodded in agreement

Martin’s expression darkened

Dax sneered, Mind your place, woman, or your child may never see daylight.” 

Ignatius shot Dax a furious glare, his lips slightly parted as if on the verge of cursing

I suddenly felt a pang of pity for Ignatius. Despite his life of prominence and influence, he now lay confined to his bed. Even his wealth and power left him powerless

You find pleasure in intimidating a mere woman, don’t you? Is that the best you can do?I countered, meeting his gaze without flinching

For all their intimidation, could these people be any more fearsome than a serial killer

Chapter 121 


Taken aback by my defiance, Dax sneered and walked forward

With Ignatius incapacitated on the bed, he certainly felt emboldened

As I began to step back, Steven stood before me

His tall and imposing figure gave me an inexplicable sense of security

Dax frowned and looked at Steven. You’re nothing but a fool, yet you have the audacity to defend her?‘ 

Steven stared at Dax and remained silent


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