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Revenge After Death (Michael and Stephanie) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 

Rachel sat on the ground, looking at Steve. Where’s Stephie” 

Steve dropped the stick in his hand as if he had been startled by something. He turned and ran, but Zion pinned him

Why are you running? What’re you doing here? Take him back for interrogation!” 

Zion shouted, seething with rage- 

It was always Steve

I knew that Zion’s suspicions of Steve had deepened

I sighed in relief. That was a good sign

As long as the truth was discovered soon and my body was located… 

The police took Steve away, and Zion carried Rachel

I was temporarily relieved and stood there in a daze, looking at the lollipop that Steve had dropped

It was fruitflavored

Steve was arrested, and the police interrogated him for 24 hours. He didn’t say a word

Without evidence, the police had to let him go for the time being

I sat in the police station lobby, watching Steve being led away by the Lincoln family. My vision was 


This murdererwas too cunning

Steve still seemed to be of great value to the Lincoln family. The Lincoln family had hired Huma’s best lawyer to bail him out

I wondered if it was proven that Steve was the serial killer, would the Lincoln family try to get him. 


If that was the case, then those dead women were too pitiful

In the afternoon, Michael came to the police station to inquire about the investigation

He seemed very eager to know if I had been found

I guess he wanted to find out if I was dead

The mission failed because it wasn’t Yasmin.Zion began to suspect Steve, assuming that Steve 

ce not to kill because he realized that Rachel was not Yasmin

Crate 14 

We found a handkerchief with traces of sedatives in Steve’s pocket. There was a stick and other criminal tools too.Zion frowned. Even if Steve was released on bail, they would still keep an eye on 


It’s Steve, that lunatic! He’s the murderer! Stephanie must be in his hands!Michael angrily exclaimed. Why don’t you arrest him?” 

First of all, the lunatic you’re talking about is the scion of the Lincoln family. Ignatius Lincoln stepped in to bail him out

Secondly, they’ve hired the best legal team to release Steve on bail. And lastlySteve has a psychiatric evaluation to prove that he has a mental disorder. Even if he carries drugs and a stick in his pocket, there’s no way to tell that he’s the murderer.” 

Zion warned Michael to act rationally

Things would be different if Yasmin was the one who went that night. Once Steve was arrested in the process of trying to kill her, Zion would have the confidence to detain Steve temporarily

Michael didn’t say anything and took a deep breath

The Lincoln familywas indeed not to be trifled with

I always have this feeling thatStephie is right besideMichael muttered

After a while, he spoke again, If we keep an eye on Steve, is it possibleto find Stephie?” 

Zion didn’t say anything, but he hoped so

The police had already started to suspect Steve and were watching him 24 hours a day

I believed that under such tight surveillance, he would show his true colors sooner or later

Rachel sat on the bench, looking a little lost. Is Steve the murderer? Why don’t I think so?” 

I sat down next to Rachel, smiling gently. That’s because you’re too kind.” 

Rachel froze, turning her head in my direction

I froze too, not knowing why I felt like crying

Her eyes betrayed her deep sadness, and she shook her head. Stephie’s going to be okay.Murderers are all good at pretending, especially psychopaths,Michael said in a deep voice. He doesn’t seem to be pretending.Zion, being a police officer, had his fair share of experience. I’ve contacted experts in criminal psychology. I suspectSteve has multiple personalities or some other mental disorder.” 

I shook my head and sighed. I had suspected Steve was suffering from multiple personality disorder before. Yet, now I was more inclined to believe that Steve had an accomplice


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