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Revenge After Death (Michael and Stephanie) novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 

Steven was very cautious, repeating not to lie to him

I knew he hadn’t fully trusted me yet. He wouldn’t tell me now if I asked

Let’s go, time for bed.I led Steven into his room, gave him his medicine, and changed the bandages. on his hands and feet

As I unwrapped the gauze from his feet, the bloodsoaked wounds were shocking

I furrowed my brow, feeling tense. The sight of those wounds alone made me ache

How did 

you get these?I asked softly, carefully rinsing his wounds with saline solution, fearing they might worsen. Starting tomorrow, you’ll be in a wheelchair and you’re not allowed to walk. Understand?” 

Steven looked at me and nodded obediently. He behaved well when he wasn’t acting crazy, but when he did, I got scared

They wouldn’t let me escape. They intentionally made me step on burning coalsSteven spoke softly, his voice hoarse, lacking much emotion

He wasn’t afraid or terrified, but there was a sense of emotional emptiness about him

I knew when he said they,he meant James and Ignatius. They would stop at nothing to prevent Steven from escaping, to ensure that Steven stayed and carried on the Lincoln family’s bloodline. It was truly despicable

How cruel,I muttered, unable to find words to describe Jamescruelty and dark heart

Does it hurt?I gently washed the wounds, looking up to ask Steven

He seemed to have no nerve sensation. Even in this state, did it really not hurt

Steven shook his head. He wasn’t devoid of sensation. He was just numb

After dealing with the wounds on his feet, I tended to the wounds on his hands

The people of the Lincoln family thought they could trap him by immobilizing his hands and feet

But in doing so, they completely destroyed a genius

StephieSteven looked at me and called my name

What is it?I tidied up the first aid kit, and looked up at him

Do you want him dead?He looked at me very seriously

Huh? Who?I was a little confused


Michael Ford.Steven replied

Chapter 92 

I looked at Steven in shock, It took me a long time to regain my composure

Did I want him dead? 1 remembered this wasn’t the first time Steven had asked me

Last time, I thought he was joking. But this time, I felt a strong sense of murderous intent

I don’t want him dead. I want him to live, to live every day in pain, selfblame, guilt, and torment.shook my head, looking at Steven. Go to sleep. You still have a fever


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