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Revenge is best served cold novel Chapter 114

I yanked my arm free and took a step back, putting my guard up. Levi immediately moved in front of me, shielding me.

Seeing Jeremiah's persistence, a thought struck me, and I smirked. "Looks like Elsa went to your house."

His reaction confirmed my suspicion. The only reason the Cornell family would be pressuring him was that Elsa had gone to the Cornell residence and revealed my connection to LunaGlo.

Judging by the look on Jeremiah's face, I was right.

Sometimes, I really couldn't understand Elsa's thought process.

If she just waited for Jeremiah and me to finalize our divorce, she could get exactly what she wanted. But no, she was truly willing to go to such great lengths to maintain her saintly image.

"If she loves your family so much that she has to report everything to you, why don't you just marry her after our divorce?"

For a moment, something flickered in Jeremiah's eyes, but he quickly masked it. "My relationship with Elsa isn't as twisted as you think."

I let out a sharp laugh. "Twisted? That's how you see it?"

I checked the time. We were running late.

Stepping forward, I shoved him aside. "I don't have time for your nonsense. Just get ready for court."

I heard Jeremiah's footsteps behind me, trying to catch up. Too bad for him, Levi was right there.

Jeremiah had no choice but to give up.

Without Jeremiah's interference, my life was hectic but peaceful.

For days, Levi and I were buried in work, finalizing every detail of the studio's renovation. Soon, we would be ready for the grand opening.


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