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Revenge of the Hideous Lady (Xyla Quest) novel Chapter 2426

After taking the toast out of the box, Leon Batton noticed a red, heart-shaped hairpin under it.

It probably belonged to the person who sent this gift.

At that moment, he suddenly recalled the girl bullied by the door earlier. She was wearing the same hairpin.

Was it a coincidence?

He didn’t think so.

Those two hairpins looked identical.

Moreover, upon closer inspection, Leon realized that he recognized the brand that his mother owned.

He recalled this particular brand’s hairpin designs were one-of-a-kind.

The two hairpins looked identical at first, but they were different.

One of the heart-shaped symbols was slightly bigger in size than the other.

He had a clear recollection of how the hairpin on the girl’s head looked. He was positive that this hairpin came with the other one as a pair and that they both belonged to the brand his mother owned.

Leon couldn’t help but think about how the other students treated the girl earlier.

Her loneliness and dejected look made him feel sorry for her.

Seeing that her brother seemed to be lost in a daydream, Lynette stood on tiptoes and waved her hand in front of him. “Leon, what’s wrong with you?”

He snapped out of his reverie immediately and shook his head. “Nothing.”

She held her tongue, but took the hairpin from him to study it carefully. “This hairpin looks like the one Mommy designed, right? Oh, the logo does look like it’s from the brand Mommy owns.”

“Yeah,” he replied simply. He didn’t say much else. Instead, he retrieved the hairpin and tucked it into his pocket.


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