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Revenge of the Hideous Lady (Xyla Quest) novel Chapter 2459

Leon Batton was speechless.

Lynette Batton stopped asking since her brother didn’t bother replying to her, resuming to eat her delicious breakfast.


Leon drove his sister to school in his sports car.

The siblings headed straight to class after the car was parked, with Leon walking faster than usual.

He broke into a grin upon seeing the toast at a corner of his table.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk. Just as I thought,” Lynette couldn’t resist saying when she saw his eyes glowing.

“Ahem,” he coughed softly, hastily straightening his face.

After that, he sat down and picked up the toast. It would be his first taste after receiving so many slices before. He tore a piece off and put it into his mouth.

It was an ordinary toast, but he tasted some sweetness after chewing a few times.

After school, they hurried home to practice the song they dedicated to their grandfather upon realizing that his birthday was fast approaching.

They put in a lot of effort since it was a song for their beloved grandfather. They were also naturally talented, so they managed to familiarize themselves with the words quickly.

As the sun went down, rays of golden light streamed through the French windows to shine on Leon, who was focused on playing the piano. His fingers danced gracefully on the black and white keys without stopping.

Meanwhile, Lynette stood by the piano and sang along with her clear, crisp voice. She had a unique tone while also singing with proper technique.

As time passed, the two improved and performed in perfect unison.

Lynette continued to sing until she came to the bridge, where her emotions were evident through her powerful voice.

Finally, the melody came to an abrupt end at the last note, and so did her singing.


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