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Revenge On Her Ex After Rebirth novel Chapter 429

Chapter 429 Look After Him

"Why are you so sure Susan will listen to you?" unlike Hannah, Oscar seemed impassive.
"I know about Susan. She has been a kind girl with a sharp tongue. She's willing to offer aid to whoever is in need. Most importantly, Susan always sticks to what she promises to me." Hannah said firmly.
After hearing that, Oscar started to make a call and noticed the chauffeur as Hannah required.
Then Oscar asked, "Why are you trying to bring them together?"
"Because I deem them a perfect match."
"You are risking Manuel."
"Don't be biased against Susan. Actually…"
"Actually what? She crippled Manuel and even killed his baby. Give me a reason to believe that she deserves to be his wife." Oscar said scornfully.
Hannah responded with silence.
Indeed, Susan hadn't done anything good for Manuel. After all, Susan hadn't had any feelings for him. What was more, the differences between their births had set a great gap between them. Susan had no reason to be nice to Manuel.
Actually, as kind as Susan had been, she was fully aware of what Manuel had done for her. She had kept it in her heart though she never told anyone about it.
However, would Manuel's efforts be traded for Susan's love?
From Hannah's perspective, she still considered the text Susan didn't send to him a real one of her confession back into her previous life. Thus Susan had ever admitted to the fact that she loved Manuel. So she would definitely do something to make up for what she had done to hurt Manuel before, Hannah believed.
"But Manuel loves her." That was the only reason Hannah could figure it out.
Undoubtedly, it was a convincing fact.
"Since he loves her, he needs to win her love. And I am trying to help Manuel achieve it. Isn't that reasonable?" asked Hannah seriously.
"That's not sophistry. I am stating the fact. It's known to us all that Manuel loves Susan. Even if Manuel has spent a few years abroad far away from home, he still can't get her out of his head. I don't think he could manage to forget about her in the future. Such being the case, why can't I manage to bring them together? That will be the best solution for Manuel. Am I wrong about that?" Hannah said firmly.
Noticing how much she insisted, Oscar felt like changing his mind, which would be a signal of his following action.
He didn't respond to tell her that she was right. Instead, he replied with a kiss.
"Um..." Hannah was surprised with her eyes wide open.
A kiss? What a stubborn and perfunctory answer!
Hannah tried to struggle. However, the harder she struggled, the tighter his grasp on her. Then her struggle gradually waned.
Jimmy had gotten used to it. Of course, back in the old days, he would turn bashful for it. But now it seemed more like something common to him. Whatever he kept driving while they kept on kissing.

When Manuel returned home, he was overwhelmed with dizziness.
He could barely walk himself with the crutch. He should have gone for the party with his wheelchair since he knew Theodore would get themselves drunk tonight, he believed.
As soon as he nudged a bit, he heard a man saying, "Mr Johnson, hold on a second. Let me help you."
"Thank you." He knew he needed help more than anyone else in the world at this moment.
About a few minutes later, a car parked in front of the building. As soon as Susan got off the car, the chauffeur hurried over, "Ms Susan?"
"Yes. Where is Manuel?" Susan nodded and asked.
"In the car. He's too drunk to walk himself." The chauffeur hurried to say.
Speechless, she knew Manuel had been an awful drinker.
"I am here to pick him up."
"It will be hard for you to help him up alone. Let me help you." Said the Chauffeur.
Both of them walked towards the car.
Manuel had turned drowsy and he could almost fall asleep.
"Let me carry him on my back. Please lead the way." Said the chauffeur.
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it." Then the chauffeur carried him on his back.
While leading the way, Susan constantly looked back to check if Manuel would puke because of drunkenness. Luckily, he seemed to be sleeping soundly already.
Susan led the chauffeur through the door. Then he placed Manuel onto the bed.
When he was leaving, Susan filled his hands with cash as tips. Of course, it was a tiring job. Though Manuel looked skinny, he weighed a lot.
She still remembered how much she gasped for air when he pinned her down at that time.
Susan took a look at his red face. Noticing he had fallen asleep, she walked away. Now that they had separated, she wouldn't like to live with him, not even for a night.
She got pissed as soon as she recalled his cold expression that day. But after some consideration, she went to knock on the door of Tia's room.
But as soon as she knocked, the door was opened. Obviously, the door was unlocked with no one inside.
She looked around other rooms.
Tia wasn't home.
Did he dismiss her?
Though one of his legs had recovered, he was still a cripple who needed to be tended to.
Did he dismiss the servant? What was wrong with him?
He wanna struggle to live on his own?
Though with mixed feelings surging up in her mind, Susan still made up her mind to leave. However, she then heard the loud sound of a bump inside his room.
She hurried to run over, panicking.
Then she noticed Manuel fell off the bed.
"Manuel, are you okay?" Susan bent over to ask.
After taking a look at her, he didn't seem to recognize her face. He then murmured, "I wanna puke…"
It turned out that he wanted to get into the bathroom to puke. However, he fell off the bed as soon as he tossed around.
"Wait here. I will get you a trash bin." Susan hurried to fetch a trash bin. Then she helped Manuel to sit up himself.
Manuel soon started puking the next second.
He puked a lot for minutes. Susan had no idea how much he had drunk.
After that, Susan struggled to help him return to bed.
Then she emptied the trash bin. As she returned, she poured a glass of water for him and placed it on the bedside table. When she was about to leave, she saw Manuel trying to rip off his clothes.
Taking a deep breath, she decided to offer him the last aid.


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