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Revenge On Her Ex After Rebirth novel Chapter 494

Chapter 494 The Physical Check-up (1)

Finally, Oscar and Hannah saw Susan off and returned to the house. He held Hannah in his arms and began kissing her as usual, the moment they went into the living room.
Hannah wanted to reject it at first because she was shy. But it was late at night and no one was there. So, she accepted it after struggling a little. Soon enough, they were turned on.
"Welcome home." suddenly, there came a soft female voice in the living room. Hannah and Oscar were stunned. They were cuddling and kissing each other passionately and they got scared out by it. Hannah pushed him away immediately, and calmed herself down, while Oscar turned around to look at Karen, who was sitting on the couch.
Only one lamp was on in the living room. The light was so dim that no one could notice someone was sitting there on the couch. Moreover, no one could have foreseen that Karen was still awake and sitting there in the middle of the night.
"What are you doing there?" Oscar asked annoyingly.
"I'm just waiting for you to come back." Karen sounded a little wronged and looked so sad that she even lowered her head as if she'd done something wrong.
Then she said in a pathetic tone, "I didn't mean to interrupt. I just thought you must have had a long day, so I kept the light on for you. I thought you would like it and feel loved. Sorry. I didn't know... I..." Saying it, she began weeping, with tears dropping down her cheeks.
More or less, Oscar still cared about Karen, and said, "Fine. It's late at night. Go to bed."
"OK." Karen nodded obediently, looking soft and sweet.
Hannah watched her leave, thinking that she could have saved the trouble fussing with her if Karen was so thoughtful as she appeared to be.
She turned around to look at Oscar. They'd been interrupted and turned off. Hannah didn't think of making out with Oscar because she had to take him to the hospital and have a physical check-up the next day. Thanks to Karen, she had calmed down. Then she went upstairs quickly, and Oscar followed her back.
They took turns to take a shower, then lay on the bed, shoulder to shoulder. It was late at night but they didn't feel like sleeping. They just lay down together casually, feeling like they would be happy like that forever.
Being with Charles, she had never imagined their long, future life for once. She had done nothing much but idled her life away in her previous life, and adapted herself to Charles in every way. So she had spent little time imagining her future. But, she saw a promising future in Oscar. She turned over and shrunk into Oscar's arms. Oscar held her more tightly.
"Tell me, Oscar. Are we gonna be happy forever?" Hannah asked slowly.
Still, she was haunted by fear and anxiety. She would feel more secure if Oscar was a real playboy as he used to appear to be. However, that wasn't true. Instead, Oscar had lots of secrets, and she was afraid that they would be forced to break up one day because of irresistible factors.
But Oscar had always given her a positive answer, "Yeah. We'll be happy forever!"
At the moment, they believed they would be each other's destiny no matter what would happen. But fate works in mysterious ways.
Hannah urged Oscar to get up early the next morning. Oscar didn't have a habit of sleeping in, but he just hated to get out of bed when Hannah was there with him and wanted to play with her on the bed. They would play little games between men and women, and Hannah would be annoyed and shy every time.
Anyway, Hannah would always be the winner in the end as Oscar wouldn't be mean to her, anytime. So, whenever she got mad, her anger boiled away very soon if she recalled how sweet Oscar was. Indeed, Oscar was a dreamboat, and he was so good at manipulating one's mind.
They finished dressing up and went downstairs.
Karen was weeping and wailing again downstairs. They felt their good mood was killed instantly the moment they saw her. Hannah and Oscar went up to the dining room.
"What's wrong? Why are you crying again?" Oscar asked impatiently. He stressed the word "again".
Karen's eyes were red with tears and she couldn't speak a word for a while. Then Oscar turned to look at Max, who looked helpless and explained, "Miss said she doesn't like beans, but I happened to have cooked some for today's breakfast. I thought it was good for health and suitable for Mrs Wells."
"Just make something else for Karen if she doesn't want it." It seemed that Oscar didn't want to waste his breath with Karen, and told Max directly.
"I think so, but Miss said she doesn't want to cause me any trouble and felt very guilty for wasting the dish. So, she began crying." Saying it, Max was desperate.
Max had been serving Oscar for many years and served Hannah for the past year, but it was the first time that he had met such a woman who he couldn't deal with. For Heaven's sake, she was able to cry anywhere anytime. Max was afraid that he would be driven crazy if it kept going like this.
Hearing Max's words, Hannah was speechless, wondering how Karen could be so unreasonable. She took Oscar's hand, sat down together at the table and said casually, "Karen, just try the dish if you feel guilty for wasting it."
Karen stared at Hannah, thinking she was going to embarrass her again. But Hannah didn't give a damn about her eyesight and continued, "People say mental pain is a hundred times stronger than physiological pain. Just eat them, or you'll be tortured by guilt. Max, you can go now. Get back to your work."
Max couldn't believe his ears, staring at Hannah.
"Max, leave us." Oscar echoed.
"Yes, Master Oscar." Max felt relieved and left.
Karen watched Max leave and then turned around to look at Hannah. The grievance and hidden anger in her eyes could be noticed easily.
But Hannah just pretended not to see that and began eating the beans on the plate. Meanwhile, she didn't forget to praise, "Seriously, Max is a good cook."
She turned a cold shoulder to Karen, which had pissed her off.
"Honey, you'd better not have breakfast now, in case you need to do blood tests in the hospital." Said Hannah. She ignored Karen deliberately and chatted with Oscar.
Oscar looked kind of bewildered and reluctant. But he didn't eat anything. He was there only to keep Hannah company.
"It's OK. Don't hide anything from your physician."
"What's wrong, Oscar? Are you ill?" Karen asked anxiously. No matter how she tried her best to seek attention though they ignored her.
"No biggie. Just a general check-up." Oscar said indifferently.
Karen was about to say something else but Hannah cut in abruptly. So, she just watched Hannah chatting and laughing with Oscar. Anyway, she believed Hannah did it on purpose!


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