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Revenge On Her Ex After Rebirth novel Chapter 821

Chapter 821 Sarah’s Karma

Sarah was confused and frightened by Rowan's reproach. What happened? How could her father reproach her like that? She immediately shifted her tone to an innocent one, "What's wrong, Dad? Is there anything wrong I did?"

However, Rowan was even angrier hearing her voice, "Anything wrong? Sarah, I've spent so many years cultivating you and always think you're my best assistant. It turns out I was wrong! I always think you're more mature and sophisticated than your sister and always take the big picture into account. So I endow you with the power and allow you to handle so many important things. I always back you up even something out of control in the process!"

Sarah didn't know why her father got so furious.

"Even if you trusted the wrong person and messed up things between you and Charles, I didn't blame you because I knew it was not your fault. But today, I am disappointed in you! You should face it and handle everything by yourself. I won't help you anymore! And I can't help you!"

"Dad, what are you talking about..."

"Check the news!" Rowan hung up the phone as soon as he finished the words. His anger made Sarah even more confused. A piece of news came into view when she checked the notifications on her phone, saying, "The Ugly Face of the Collins Family's Eldest Daughter Finally Revealed!"

Seeing the title, her heart gave way to terror. She clicked the news title with quivering fingers. The article said all the beautiful things she showed were fake and in fact, she was sneaky, bossy, dictatorial, always swearing at others and destroying their self-esteem. She was so egocentric and arrogant that she acted like a condescending princess who forced everyone to kneel and submit.

The more she read, the angrier she became. Those were flagrant insults to her personality. She kept scrolling and found many photos and videos in it, including the one about her talking with Kanae yesterday. Besides, what she said on the rooftop could also be found.

How could those be exposed to the media? Which media dared to report her scandal? Who? Did they want to die? Sarah was so angry that she was shaking.

She wouldn't allow the existence of the report. She couldn't be humiliated like this. As the eldest daughter of the Collins family, she should be perfect and even the tiniest insult was not allowed. She was framed she told herself. Then Sarah hastily called her dad.

"Dad, Dad, that's not true. I'm framed and everything you saw is not true!"

"I can see clearly whether they're true or not. Even I dare not say that not to mention you! Do you think we can do everything we want because of the money and privileges we have? Do you even think about the strength of the public? I taught you so much these years. How could you be so shameless? All your privileges and power are given by me and you're nobody if I refuse to give!"

"Dad, Dad, help me!" Sarah was shocked and she could feel Rowan wanted to abandon her. However, she would lose everything if he abandoned her.

"Help you? How?" Rowan sneered. Not only couldn't he help her, but he should also take measures to save himself. Rowan hadn't been so disgraceful for so many years and his fame would be ruined because of Sarah.

"Let them delete the report or everything will be screwed up if it keeps spreading. And we can take measures to handle it after it loses the clout, okay?" Sarah was begging. She was so humble that she was so different from the arrogant woman in the videos.

"You think I didn't try that? I did and even used my power to delete it directly on the website, but it just can't be deleted and we failed to find any code or bug. Sarah, who on earth did you offend?"

Rowan was so angry that he clenched his teeth. Who did she offend? People were mice in gutters for her. How could they do this? How could they frame her?

"Oscar, it must be Oscar." Sarah suddenly said, "It must be him. He hates to see too much power in the hand of our family, so he frames me and gets me into his trap. Then, he can strengthen his authority without us!"


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