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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69

“Senior, Selena only said what we did, but do you know what she did?”

The girl sneered, looking at Selena with disgust, “She is always at the bottom of every exam, lowering our class’s grade, stole the man Leah likes relying on the fact that she is the rightful young lady of the Riddle family, and being repudiated by her fiancé for “promiscuity”, the whole Creephia knows her misbehavior and her bad character.”

Selena faced her sharp accusation, slightly inclined her head, with a bright smile, “More than that, you preach to everyone, saying that I am ugly beyond belief, but am I ugly?”

“You-” the girl was so angry that her face turned white.

There is no doubt about the beauty of Selena.

Anyone would be able to see that Selena is many times more beautiful than Leah.

Such a stunning beauty is proclaimed as ugly by this class, so how much of the rest of it can be true?

Facing the questioning gaze of several people from the student council, the girl became extremely angry and almost grimaced, “Selena, you bitch, you-”

“That’s enough!” Billy interrupted her, looking at her with a cold, icy look, “Charlotte, you are a student of Creephia University, and in the future you will be a doctor, a legendary angel, but look at the way you act the moment. Are you worthy of these honorary titles?”

Charlotte’s face stiffed in a moment, “Senior, I…”

“Selena has said that she has already called the police, what is the truth, who is right and who is wrong, the police will investigate, now please show your basic qualities as Creephia University students!”


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