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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 24


Writer’s POV:

Saïda started work that Monday. She was so happy with it. Her first day so far had been great. There were a lot of customers and she helped them as much as possible. Aryan and his wife, Rivka, as well as Samir, all helped Saïda adapt easily. But they didn’t need to show her or guide her too much because she already did very good on her own. This job was perfect for Saïda to occupy herself and make a little money, all the while.



It was finally twelve and the waiters had their first break. Asahd sat in a corner, eating and manipulating his phone.

While he was doing so, he received a call from his father. He rolled his eyes and rejected the call. He was still giving them a hard time and was still unforgiving for what was happening to him now. He did same to Djafar. Though he answered the man when he asked him questions, things weren’t the same. Asahd no longer smiled or sat to have serious or funny conversations with him.

Asahd put his phone away and stood to go to the washroom and take a pee. He headed to the men’s washroom and on entering, he heard someone talking in one of the cabins. He recognised Alex’s voice.

Minding his business, he went to pee but still, it was almost impossible not to listen to Alex who turned out to be talking on phone.

“Why do you treat me like this?? Why?” Asahd heard Alex ask in an angry yet hurt tone.

“You don’t treat me well! I do everything to please you. I work my ass off like crazy between two jobs! On the weekends when I’m supposed to be resting, I still work! Just so I can have enough to pay your bills, buy my necessities and provide your meals! I do everything and yet you still treat me like shit! Is that fair?? I–” Alex stopped talking for a second or so.

“Hello? Hello?!”

Seemed the person had hung up. Asahd heard Alex cuss and hit the wall with his palm.

′I wonder what’s wrong.′

Asahd went to wash his hands in a sink and just then, Alex stepped out. Surprised to see Asahd, their eyes met in reflection of the mirrors there. Asahd turned immediately, slightly worried when he saw how red Alex’s eyes were. Like he was going to cry or something.

“Sup bud?” Alex sniffed and wiped his eyes before coming to wash his hands too and acting like nothing had happened.

“I’m okay,” Asahd replied. He then turned to leave but halted on his way out. He was trying to mind his business but couldn’t. He was bothered to see Alex like that. He wanted to know what was hurting him. Or who? And why?

Asahd was usually careless about other people, being very self-centered. But at that moment, he wanted to know what was bothering Alex and help him if he could. That feeling surprised him. He usually cared for no one’s feelings, but his. If it’d been another colleague, he would’ve left. But the only colleagues he’d realised he was growing fond of, were Derrick and Alex. They’d always been the most friendly dudes towards him. Always asking if he was comfortable or if he needed help with something.


Asahd turned and approached Alex who was washing his face.

“I just have to ask. You don’t look okay and I’m kind of bothered,” Asahd started and Alex looked up at him. “What’s wrong? I’m here if you want to talk.”

The boy was quiet, and then he shut his eyes for a while, taking a deep breath.

“It’s– The person I was talking with on phone, is my father,” he finally said, running his fingers through his hair.

“What’s up with him? He’s left you in a terrible state.”

Alex rubbed his eyes.

“He always does. He always has, since I was a kid. The man is ungrateful. All he does is sit on the couch the whole day, watching TV and drinking beer. He’s drunk most of the time and almost never sober.”

Asahd listened in shock as Alex literally told him everything about his abusive father. Alex was the one who paid the home bills. He told Asahd how he had to remove all bulbs from the house, so the electricity bill would not rise. His father always asked him money to buy beer and only beer. And if he refused, his father would hit him, leaving red and purple bruises on his face and arms. Even when he gave his father some money for food, his father would use it on alcohol.

Alex had lost his mother after graduating highschool, to a car accident. He’d been raised by her and her alone because she’d left his father when she was still pregnant with him. This because the man would beat her.

He never cared to visit Alex or know how he was doing. And the one time the man had convinced Alex’s mother to allow their son spend the weekend with him, the result was terrible. Alex returned with bruises.


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