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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 4


Asahd's POV:

Finally, Saïda was done telling me what I had to know. It was finally a few minutes past seven and places were already dark. There was noise from the huge ballroom and music. The soirée had fully begun.

Saïda received a text on her phone and stood.

"It's time for you to appear in front of the guests," she said and I stood.

"Okay. I forgot to tell you, you look absolutely stunning," I admitted and she seemed surprised.

"Uh, thank you, your Majesty. Shall we leave?"

"Yes, we shall."

She led the way and I followed.


We got to the ballroom's building and it was beautifully decorated as usual. There were some guests still arriving, beautiful belly dancers performing and there were even fire spitters.

Saïda rushed ahead and informed the guards at the door to prepare and announce my entrance, as always.

Then she joined me once again. A minute after, the royal trumpets were blown and I could hear the noise inside, subside. It was the same routine at every party or ball, organised in the palace. I appeared before the people, first, and then my parents, some time after. I just loved having all the attention. All eyes on me.

"Prepare to welcome, Asahd Usaïd! Son of the Sultan and crowned Prince of Zagreh!" a guard announced as I walked down the red carpet outside, approaching the entrance. Saïda was behind me but at a considerable distance.

The trumpets were blown one last time and I finally walked in through the huge entrance. Everyone bowed his or her head as sign of respect.

"Welcome, lovely people of Zagreh!" I said with a smile and everyone looked up, smiling back. "Have fun, tonight! Be our wonderful guests! Eat, drink and forget your worries!"

That was the similar bullshit I was obliged to say almost every single time there was a ceremony or so.

The people cheered and clapped.

"Have a wonderful time! Music!"

The music was played, the belly dancers continued performing, the people cheered and went on with their fun activities; dancing, chatting and drinking. I rolled my eyes a turned to a smiling Saïda.

"What's funny?" I asked.

"You were great, your majesty. The people seem pleased with how you made your entrance," she said with a little bow.

"Mmm, whatever," I grabbed a glass of champagne from a servant's tray. "So, where are all the boring people, I'm supposed to greet."

"And back to his bad manners," Saïda mumbled, unaware I'd heard.

"Excuse me?" I asked with wide eyes and a little frown. "What did you just say??"

"I don't know what you're talking about, my Prince. Your ears are playing tricks," she said in the most innocent way ever. I wished I could cut her tongue.

She did it every time.

Her side and sarcastic comments pissed me off at times. She was this daring because she knew how much I loved and appreciated her father, and knew I would not dare to hurt her. But if she kept getting on my nerves, I would have to teach her an unforgettable lesson.

"Just keep trying me, Saïda," I muttered, annoyed. "Just keep, trying me," I added and sipped my drink, looking around and trying to spot the prettiest women.

I felt Saïda's eyes staring intensively at me. I turned and caught her. The look she'd been giving me, was one that could kill. And she didn't even look away after I'd caught her. Her boldness only made me want to slap her.

"Why the fuck are you staring at me??" I asked, pissed and frowning for real. "Want something??"

She looked away immediately, clearly intimidated now.

"Yeah, keep your eyes off me," I scoffed.

After a few seconds of silence, she spoke again.

"That's a minister," she said, pointing at a man and his wife. "Mr. Ousman Yarah. Let's go so you greet him."

"Fine," I finished my drink and got rid of the glass. "Let's go."


After greeting everyone I had to, it was time for me to finally meet Mr Raman. And of course, Zhou.

"There he is," Saïda said and I approached him.

"Mr Raman?" I called and the man turned. He smiled immediately and I smiled back.

"Welcome," I said.

"Thank you very much, my prince," he bowed.

We started to discuss about boring things that I had to pretend I was interested in. He introduced his wife to me and blah blah blah. Finally, the time I'd been awaiting, arrived.

"I sent a servant to go get my daughter. She went to greet some family friends."

"Okay," I smiled.

"Oh, here she comes," the man said proudly and pointed at his daughter.

I turned, impatient. As she came closer, I wasn't going to lie to myself, I was very disappointed. She was beautiful, yes. But Djafar had said she was an eight! I was seeing a six and a half.

She was probably an eight or ten to many other men, but to me, she was a six. I'd expected her to be way more prettier than Saïda. Because honestly, Saïda was an 8 or even 9. And if I had to find a woman for myself, she had to be prettier than my assistant and any other servant girl in the palace.

"My Prince," she smiled and curtsied.

"My daughter, Zhou," Mr Raman stated, proudly.


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