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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 44

Writer’s POV:

The teens made it back home, safely. Djafar was already out and so they used their spare keys to get in.

Throughout their ride back home, they’d spoken of everything fun that had happened during the camp and avoided to mention that particular incident that was still secretly taking over both their minds. There was no way they were going to forget it.


After showering and dressing up, Saïda went into the kitchen to prepare better and more consistent breakfast.

Asahd had finished dressing and had stepped out of his room. He heard Saïda working in the kitchen. He went to the door and watched her. She was backing him and had not heard him enter.

’It’s now or never.′

Asahd thought, swallowing. He had to apologise. He slowly approached her from behind.

Saïda’s POV:

I was busy making some of our traditional tea when:

“Saïda?” Asahd called softly, surprising me and making me gasp a little as I turned. He was right behind me. So close.

“Woah,” I giggled. “You scared me a little.”

But then, I noticed he didn’t smile back. He looked a little off, a little sad, a little guilty. My heart skipped a beat because I guessed what was coming.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he said and my breath hitched. I’d avoided this moment but it just had to resurface, didn’t it?

I would’ve preferred not to ever speak of it but Asahd’s expression made me melt. He was feeling just as awkward as I was and had to make sure I wasn’t mad at him. I wasn’t. At all.

“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Asahd,” I smiled a little to reassure him.

“Yes there is. I– I started it. Forgive me Saïda. I’m begging you,” he put his palms together in front of me.

A transformed Asahd was in front of me. Someone who now begged for pardon and felt guilt like any other person. The Asahd of a few months ago would never.

I raised my hands and grabbed his.

“We were both wrong Asahd. You can’t apologise because you didn’t force me,” there was a lump in my throat, just thinking about the dumb way in which I’d acted. “I let it happen too. We both acted stupidly and now we should forget about it. It was meaningless and foolish, that’s why it should not affect us or our friendship. Okay? I don’t want things to get awkward between us. I love you way too much for that.”

I saw relief in his expression and then he slowly pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him too, rubbing his back like I always did. He’d just showered and smelled real good. It was almost automatic when I inhaled his scent, but then an electric feeling, similar to what I’d felt before, went down my spine in a sweet way.

“I cherish our friendship and love you very much too, Saïda. I feel better now, you know. I just had to make sure you weren’t mad at me.”

“Now you know I’m not,” I smiled against his chest. “We’re cool. Okay?” I chuckled.

“Okay,” I could tell he smiled and then pressed his lips against my head.

Asahd’s POV:

I inhaled the sweet smell of her shampoo and goosebumps covered my skin.

Slowly, I stepped away and we parted. I held her face in my hands.

“I’m at peace now,” I smiled at her and she smiled back.

“Me too. Because it never happened.”

“It never happened.”


Monday, and we were back to work. The others and I still commented about our weekend’s activities as we worked. It had been fun.

Soon, I went to my spot at the back of the restaurant to get orders from the driving customers that stopped by. Ally was with me.

“Good morning, you,” she smiled and we kissed.

“What’s up, darling?” I asked, kissing her forehead.

“Everything. I thought you would come to my place yesterday so we could finish what we’d started.”

“You should’ve told me you wanted me to come. I would’ve.”

“I want you to come this weekend.”


“Asahd, promise.”

“I promise.”


Not many cars passed that day and so Allison would get to the main room from time to time while I stayed back to think.

Yes, Saida and I had settled our issues, but I couldn’t get it out of my mind. What I couldn’t get out of my mind was the feel of her against me, the low moans and whimpers that had escaped her lips. The kiss.

I found myself slightly biting my bottom lip as I suddenly recalled it. Some part of me could still feel the pressure against my lips. I unconsciously closed my eyes and tried to relive the feeling. I was trying to relive it. Goosebumps covered my skin as I did so and my heart raced a little.


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