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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 57



Asahd’s POV:

I sat in the back of the store, waiting for a car to pass by and take an order. I was bored and couldn’t stop thinking of Saïda, as usual.

I kept checking the time to see if it was already her break time and if I could call.

I’d made her promise to come see me that day with some donuts, during her break. Not like I gave a damn about the donuts. I just wanted to see her. A few days had passed since I’d first begged her to let me pleasure her. I still kept doing so, but she refused and laughed it off every single time. It frustrated me so bad. I really wanted her in my arms, hearing her soft moans and feeling the blood rush into my dick without hesitation. I just loved the thought of pleasuring her, making her feel things she’d never had. I loved how innocent her whimpers and gasps were. I wanted to make her addicted to me, just as much as I was becoming of her. I had no care at all about her being taken or whatsoever. I just wanted her. If I couldn’t make love to her, then I would please her in every other way to quench that desire she’d caused in me. Saïda was literally driving me crazy and there were some days when I even thought that I would go nuts or lose all self-control, if I didn’t touch her.

′I’ll make you completely mine. I swear.′

I thought, feeling a lump in my throat. It got even more and more complicated with each day and I was even more determined. I wasn’t going to let go until she let me. Even if I had to seduce her even more.

′No other woman has driven me this crazy, damn.′

On nights when she would sleep very early and I wasn’t able to see her first, I would stay up all night, tossing in bed and thinking of her. Thinking of what it would be like if she was single and available for me. Because that was the only problem. Noure was the fucking problem! Allison wasn’t one for me. Yes I cared about her, but as a friend. And if Saïda was to part from Noure, I would break up with Allison without hesitation at all.

′I still don’t care if she’s with Noure, though. I just don’t. I want her.′

I found myself clenching my jaw and staring blankly through the window with a frown on my face. Things were getting more and more complicated for me. I realised it wasn’t just a like. It wasn’t just a crush. And it definitely wasn’t nothing but lust. Was I growing an obsession? I didn’t care. It was one I was willing to keep and definitely some fantasma I was ready to achieve. I didn’t give a single fuck.

′Never did.′

I covered my face with my palms, taking a deep breath. Allison had exchanged places for a day with Derrick, but he’d gone to see how the others were doing since no other car had passed for an order yet. I was alone to think.

I was still lost in my thoughts when Saïda called. I picked immediately.

“Hello, sweetheart.”

"Hello,” I heard her beautiful voice and I could tell she’d smiled.

“I kind of miss you. Though we literally live under the same room,” I said, my heart threatening to burst out of my chest for a reason I ignored.

She’d recently been sleeping very early because she’d been given more duties to take care of at her job, making her very tired and exhausted before she got home.

"I like the sound of that. I was given a break a little earlier than planned and um, well, I was wondering if I could come check you out over there.”

“Oh do come, Saïda. Why the fuck do you even need to ask??” I mused and I heard her laugh a little.

"Is it just me or you sound impatient to see me?” she teased with a laugh.

“I swear, I am,” I muttered, rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hmm okay,” she giggled. "Let me get the donuts and grab a cab.”

“Forget the donuts. It’s you I want,” I stated casually.

She was silent and I knew that had affected her in one way or the other.

“Just grab a cab. I’ll soon be on break, myself. And so, when you get here, we’ll go eat donuts together.”

"Alright. Are you still in the back service with Allison?”

“Not today. Please come, Saïda.”

"Alright, alright. I’ll be there soon.”

“I can’t wait.”

We hung up and I felt how dry my throat was. I was going to wait for her.


About twenty minutes later, I was still in the back service and our break had just begun. The others were in the main room but I decided to wait for Saïda at the back.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard the others welcome somebody who’d just arrived. A few minutes later, I heard her beautiful voice from behind the door, not far.

“This door??” she asked.

“Yeah! He’s in!” I heard one of the guys reply from the main room. Some seconds after, Saïda walked in, closing the door. She smiled at me.

“Finally,” I smiled and immediately went to her. She chuckled a little and was going to say something but I cut her with a kiss.

I wrapped her up in my arms and made her breathless on the spot. Gosh, the satisfaction I felt.

“Mmm,” I moaned into her mouth as we kissed, loving the warmth of her mouth and how only she, made me feel with a kiss.

“Mm! Asahd!” she pushed me away a little, surprise all over her face.

“What?” I asked, slightly breathless already.

“We shouldn’t. Especially not here.”

“I don’t care,” I grabbed her wrist and pulled her to me again, kissing her deeper. I felt her melt and kiss me back. But some seconds after, she snapped out again and stepped back.

“No, it’s– It’s too risky,” she gasped for some air.

“All I want is to have you my arms right now,” I muttered and wrapped her up again. “And you want same. That’s why you came, Saïda,” I let my thumb over her bottom lip.

“Your colleagues are out there, Asahd,” she stated.

“I want you way too much to care about what they think.”

“Asahd, Allison’s out there.”

“Well, fuck that,” I stated without hesitation and I saw surprise as well as amusement, linger in her beautiful eyes.

“Oh okay,” she mused a little and I pulled her closer to me.

I lowered my head and was going to kiss her again when someone opened the door and stepped in. Saïda immediately got out of my grip.

I turned to see a confused Derrick and a surprised Alex.

Saïda turned red and stared at me. I was kinda amused, instead. They’re expressions were priceless.

“Uh, did– did we interrupt or miss something?” Alex stammered, scratching his head a little.

“Oh my,” I heard Saïda whisper lowly before backing us and going to stare out the window.

“We need to talk,” I mused to both guys.

“Yeah, I think that too,” Derrick muttered, putting his hand on his dreads.

I smiled in amusement and turned to Saïda who was staring out of the window. Then in Arabic, I said:

“I’ll let them know we aren’t related.”

“You think it’s a good idea??”

“That’s all I’ll say. Nothing more. You know they’re very down to earth and have proven they can keep a good secret, Saïda.”

She stared at me. I was right. Still no one was aware of my relationship with Allison. The guys had proven enough to be very good friends.

“You’re right, but this is still awkward.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll be right back.”

I then turned to the boys.

“Let’s go outside.”



We got outside and to the parking lot where we knew no one could eavesdrop on us.

“Bro, is it just my eyes playing tricks or you were going to kiss Saïda??” Alex started, with wide eyes.

“My eyes are definitely playing tricks too, cuz I saw the same thing,” Derrick added. “Isn’t that your sister, dude? Or they accept that type of thing where you come from. Cuz, I’m confused as fuck right now.”

I laughed at how shocked they seemed.

“First of all, that’s kinda offensive. No, incest is definitely not a thing, where I come from,” I mused.


“Okay. Saïda isn’t my sister. We’re not related at all,” I told them and they stared at each other in disbelief.

“What? But you said she was? Who is she then? You better be honest bro, cuz we’re lost.”

I went on to talk about how Saïda was just an old family friend, as well as her father. I told them that she and her father had recently moved to New York and how I followed them to try and be independent and start something on my own. I told them they were like family but we really weren’t related and they were okay with me living under the same roof with them and so on.

“Then why did y’all claim to be siblings in the first place?” Derrick mused.

“I don’t know. Maybe because we felt it was easier to say because of how close we are.”

“Y’all are way closer than that after what we saw back there,” Alex mused.

“We were just very good friends at the start. But recently, things got kinda complicated between us.”

“Wait,” Derrick’s eyes widened. “She’s the chick you’re mad over?”

“Yup.” I mused and they stared at each other.

“Woah, the plot twist!” Alex laughed in disbelief.

“I remember her rooting for you and Allison. Dude, when did it start??”

“I don’t really know. But things got real after the night we went camping.”

“Hum!!” Alex exclaimed and we laughed.

“Where’s her fiancé?”



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