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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 7

Asahd’s POV:

I remained locked up for as long as I could sleep and be sober again.

I opened my eyes after two to three hours of sleep, the drunkenness had wiped off. There was a lump in my throat and I was so pissed!

I was the Prince, for crying out loud!! Yet my father had me locked up and supervised like I was some notorious toddler.

′Take a shower, Asahd. Forget this nonsense,′ I thought, still very annoyed.

I grumbled to myself and got off the bed. Then I went straight to my bathroom for a cool bath.


It was seven pm, by the time I stepped out of the shower. I was already very hungry.

I dressed up and just when I was going to cause some trouble by threatening the guards on the other side of my door, someone knocked.

“Yes??” I replied, irritated.

A second after, a servant boy walked in.

“Good evening, my prince. The sultan has requested that you join he, and the Queen, for dinner.”

“Like they had a choice,” I mumbled and walked past him, literally pushing him with my shoulder and making him stumble a little.

I walked into the corridor and gave the guards that had been assigned to watch me, a deadly stare, before heading towards the stairway and going down to join my parents.

Writer’s POV:

They watched Asahd join them at the table, without greeting or even saying a word. He kept his frown on and was in no mood to try and flatter them. Oh, if only he knew, what they had in store for him.

“Good evening, Asahd,” they greeted with smiles.

Asahd stared at them like they were crazy.

“So you’re just gonna smile at me, like you didn’t humiliate me, earlier this afternoon?” he finally spoke.

“You humiliated yourself, as well as us,” his father replied.

Asahd rolled his eyes.

“Whatever. I’m hungry. Come serve me,” he ordered to one of the maids that were in charge of serving them the dinner.

The girl did as told, while the others served the sultan and Queen. The sultan then ordered them all, both maids and guards, to leave them alone, to the prince’s surprise.

“We have something for you, my dear son. A good surprise that will make you feel better,” the Queen started in a rather flattering manner.

“What is it?” Asahd replied rudely, instead.

“You will not leave this palace and will be supervised for the next two days,” the sultan started.

Asahd who had been chewing on his food, stopped and stared blankly at them. Like he hadn’t heard what his father had just said. But then he did something that amused his parents. He looked around and shouted:

“Saïda?? Saïda??” he called but she wasn’t close.

He then looked at his parents, and in the most sarcastic manner, said:

“The girl always walks with a dictionary or so, like she lacks what to do. Never around when I need her,” he frowned at them. “Like right now. I need a dictionary, to define the words good and surprise, to both of you. Then, I’m gonna have to explain what a combination of both words, means.”

He ended with a scowl. His father chuckled.

“What is funny??” he asked, with wide eyes and a frown. “You tell me, you have a good surprise that will make me feel better, and then you, father, spits out that I’ll be locked up in here for two days? It’s preferable I keep the very disrespectful and insulting words, crossing my mind right now, to myself.”

“Asahd, you didn’t let me finish,” the sultan stated.

“Then please do before I really lose my self control on both of you.”

“Are you imposing conditions and threatening us?” the Queen asked in disbelief at how even more rude, Asahd was getting.

“Let it be,” the sultan calmed his wife, immediately. There was no need losing their temper, Asahd would soon regret.


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