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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 75


Writer’s POV:

Believe it or not, two days later, it was Saïda’s dowry day. Preparations were being made on that day as from the morning. The Queen personally took things into her hands as she considered Saïda as a daughter and Djafar a brother and friend. The sultan was absent but was going to return right before Saïda’s engagement ceremony in the next four days.

While Djafar, with the help of the Queen and all servants, rushed about that morning to get things ready for the future in-laws who would be coming in the afternoon, Saïda was not bothered and was with Asahd in his room.


“How do you feel?” Asahd asked with a smile, leaning against a table in his room, his arms folded.

Saïda sat at the centre of his big bed, legs crossed like a little girl.

Unlike the others who’d decided to dress fancy while awaiting the ceremony in the afternoon, Asahd had worn a simple long sleeve T-shirt and a pair of jeans. Completely indifferent to what was happening in the palace. Or unhappy about it, rather.

“I don’t know,” she chuckled nervously. “I used to long for this moment so much, you know. But now things are just so different.”

“Because they’re not right,” the Prince mused and looked out of his window.

After staring at the bright sky for a short while, he turned to her again.

“I’m not pleased with what’s happening,” his tone became serious and his smile had faded completely.

Saïda stared silently at him, swallowing a little.

“I’m not,” he repeated, staring straight at her.

“Asahd, I’m afraid,” she started. “What do you want me to do? I can’t break the engagement. What valuable reason will I give my father? He’s so happy.”

“Are you?” Asahd asked, still so serious.

“I don’t know, Asahd.”

Asahd scoffed and rolled his eyes, turning and looking out of his large window again.

“Fuck that, Saïda.”

“Asahd I’m doing this for my father. How will he react if I tell him that I can’t marry Noure because I’m in love with you, too?”

Asahd gave her a side glance.

“Don’t add ′too′ to it. You love me and only me,” he frowned.

“Asahd, I’m not sure of that.”

“In denial again?” he scoffed. “Say what you want but I believe my guts and instincts, Saïda. Facts.”

Saïda stared at her fingers, nervous and tempted to sob. Her feelings for Asahd were strong but she also felt like she owed Noure a lot and had to please her father who had invested so much in their relationship.

“Asahd, my father has never been disappointed in me. I– I don’t want to disappoint him now.”

“I’ll talk to him if you want.”

Saïda’s eyes widened and she looked up at the Prince who meant every single word that left his mouth.

“No! Don’t! You think he’ll understand? Just like me before I fell for you, my father is a diehard follower of every single rule, tradition and law. You’re a Prince, Asahd. I’m your employee. It is impossible here in Zagreh.”

“You are the same person who told me sometime back that I could marry Allison, a foreigner. I brought the traditional rules up and you were the same person who told me that as a Prince, I could insist and have the nobles have no choice but to accept my choices. You even cited a great grandfather of mine who married a German woman and they let him. True or nah?” he asked annoyed and frowning at her. “So don’t come tell me bullshit like what the rules are unshakable or whatsoever, Saïda.”

“Asahd, it’s different with me because–”

“Just shut the fuck up, Saïda,” he cut in rudely and very annoyed now.

He leaned against the window with his eyes shut tight and a heavy lump in his throat. He even thought he would shed a tear at some point.

“Why are you so damn stubborn, Saïda?!” he lost it and yelled angrily. “Keep trying me, you hear??” he faced her again. “Get married to Noure and see what I’m made of!”

Saïda shook, swallowing. She didn’t want him angry at her. Saïda’s main problem was her father. Noure wasn’t even really a thing.

“P– please don’t get angry with me,” she begged and got off the bed, rushing to him and hugging him tight. He didn’t hug her back at first.

“I’m so sorry, Asahd. Please, don’t be angry with me. I’m begging you,” she begged in a shaky voice. “I love you, Asahd. Please. Please don’t yell at me. I think so much about my father in this. His honor. Please, understand me.”

She pressed her face against his chest, hoping he would hug her back. And he did. It was very hard for him but he was trying to see it from her point of view. He hugged her tight in return and kissed her head.

“I love you so much,” she muttered in a shaky voice. It warmed his entire being whenever she said that. It made his days and nights every single time.

“I love you too, sweetheart. I’m sorry if I scared you. I didn’t mean to yell at you,” he said softly and she slowly looked up at him.

“I know.”

He lowered his head and kissed her chin. Her eyes had some glimmer in them as she looked up at her tall Prince.

“You missed, Asahd,” she whispered with a little shy smile. He smiled back and lowered his head to kiss her on the lips this time.

They shared a long and passionate kiss, Saïda melting into his arms. They kissed nonstop until she broke it, keeping her lips close and brushing softly against his.

“I can’t get over you, Asahd,” she whispered breathlessly, her face reddening.

As she spoke, she slowly raised T-shirt with a hand and ran her fingers over his abs and tummy.

“I can’t control myself when around you. It’s so weird. It’s so wrong. I can’t even recognise myself when I’m alone with you. I don’t try to fight you back,” she looked up at him. “I’ve never been submissive to anybody else but my father. Yet, I also am with you.”

“That’s a good thing,” he pecked her a few times on her soft lips.

“No, it’s not,” she whispered, kissing him some more.

“Why?” he kissed her too.

“Because even if I do get married, I’ll always run back to you. I’ll come back for more. What have you done to me?”

“I’ve done nothing but proven my love and proven to you that you need me just as much. I’m just as submissive to you, Saïda. Proof is my patience,” he kissed her lips, pulling softly on her bottom lip. “I’ll make sure you come to me every single time. I’ll make love to you every single day you come to the palace, whether married to Noure or not.”

“Asahd,” she whispered dreamily, looking up into his eyes. “Please, don’t make me commit adultery.”

“The only time you’ll be committing adultery is the day you sleep with Noure, Saïda,” was his last reply and he kissed her deeper.

Saïda moaned weakly into his mouth, trailing her fingers down his tummy till she grabbed the exposed waistband of his boxers as well as his belt.

Carried away, she was going to unbuckle his belt and jeans when there was a sudden knock at his door.

“Asahd?? Have you seen Saïda??” it was the Queen.

Saïda gasped and stepped away immediately. Both adjusted real fast and Saïda rushed to sit at a corner of his room, grabbing his schedule book and pretending she was noting things down.

“Yes, mother??” Asahd finally answered, after wiping Saïda’s colored ChapStick off his lips with the back of his T-shirt. “She’s here. Come in.”

The Queen soon stepped in and smiled at them.

“Yes, my Queen?” Saïda stood and bowed, hoping her cheeks weren’t red anymore.

“I’ve been looking for you my dear, you need to prepare.”

“Yes, my Queen,” Saïda dropped the schedule book and approached the woman.

“Are you okay?” the Queen started, worried. “Your face is flushed. Is it fever?” she touched the girl’s forehead.

“Just a little heat, your Majesty. I’m fine.”

“Okay then. Your father’s calling you, I’ll join you two in a few.”

“Okay, my Queen,” she curtsied and left immediately.

The Queen turned to her son who smiled a little and leaned against the table.

“You’re not getting ready, my Darling?” she asked.

“Nah, I’m good.”

“In that attire, Asahd?? You need to change for the ceremony.”

“I won’t be attending it, sorry. I have to visit the orphanages today.”

“But Asahd,” the Queen was surprised. “It’s Saïda dowry ceremony. You two are like best friends now. You should attend it, for her.”

“I already explained it to her, mother. Don’t worry. She understands. I’d promised to go visit those kids a long time ago. I can’t back out now.”

The Queen was still surprised but eventually gave up.

“Fine, dear. If you say so. I’ll be downstairs.”


Asahd watched his mother leave and once she was gone, he ran a hand over his face in frustration.




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