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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 77


Writer’s POV:

Asahd angrily went to his room to treat his bloody knuckles. Once there, while he cleaned his wounds, he asked himself a question:

“Where is Saïda?” he frowned.

′Could it be that she’s at his place?′

Asahd stood angrily and grabbed his car keys. No fucks given.


Saïda sat on the couch, worried and staring at her feet. She’d tried to call Asahd but unluckily her phone had died.

′Oh gawd, I hope they’re okay. I hope Asahd is okay.′

As she thought, biting her thumb, she heard the door unlock and stood immediately. A furious Noure stormed in. The first thing she noticed was his bloody lip that scared her and made her panic. She gasped and covered her mouth, rushing to him.

“W– what happened??” she tried to touch his face but he stopped her.

“What do you think happened, Saïda?? That psychopath you think you’re in love with did this!!” Noure growled, still so angry and frustrated.

He sat down and she stood there, staring at him and afraid to approach him again.

“I’m sorry this had to happen, Noure.”

“How can you love someone that crazy, Saïda?!” Noure retorted and the girl shook. “He showed no remorse and threatened me! He provoked and mocked me, Saïda! He embarrassed me! How can you love someone like that?!”

Saïda swallowed.

“He’s like that when jealous or very angry, Noure. I don’t think he meant to–”

“Saïda, shut up!” Noure cut in and she shook again. “He told me things that made me believe that you did more than just share a kiss with him, Saïda! I don’t even want to know! I’m so mad and frustrated because I can literally do nothing to him! He has so much authority and I’m even unable to fight him! Do you know how hard it is for me?! Do you??”

Saïda was silent.

“He dared to tell me that he will still see you even after you’re married to me! In the most inappropriate manner! Saïda you can’t let this happen! What has come over you?? I can’t even recognise you, what has he done to you?!”

“Noure don’t shout at me, please. I’m tired, okay!” Saïda retorted with watery eyes. “What do you want me to do?? I’m in love with him too and I can’t fight it! I tried! I don’t even know how it happened!”

“How don’t you know?! How don’t you know??” Noure stood. “Are you blind?? You didn’t realise he was seducing you?! Or you did but just let him?! Is this who you really are?? Saïda, I thought you were smarter than that!”

That pushed Saïda over the edge.

“SHUT UP!” she slapped him so hard across the face that her own hand also hurt.

Noure held his reddening cheek and looked at her in surprise.

“Who are you to judge me?!” she growled with watery eyes. “You think I decided on my own to fall in love with him?! It was natural! It just happened! Unlike with you! I had no choice but to fall in love with you because I was fricken betrothed to your ass!”

She angrily pushed him on the chest.

“You are judging me now?! Do you think I’m dumb?! You’ve dated other people before me, even while being betrothed to me! But I with my stupid ass decided to follow the rules and wait for you and only you! We officially started dating a year ago and you are not going to tell me that you had dated no one else before that. I am not dumb, Noure! You were away for five years! You left Zagreh at fifteen to go study abroad and you dated there! You definitely slept with other women and you come back to the naïve Saïda that I am! The rural girl you knew would wait for you!”

Noure was silent and shocked. Saïda was really angry and poured out everything he thought she was ignorant of and had never suspected or spoken off.

“It’s no news, Noure! Many men do same, even when betrothed. They live their lives until it’s time to settle! While we the women, most of us, wait! Wait patiently because we believe being betrothed is already like a first wedding! We’re supposed to be faithful to you! But do you, deserve it?? No! You’re not special Noure! You’ve done same! I am not dumb! But I loved you and decided to ignore all of it! I thought it was okay for you to do it, as long as you would stop once we would be together! But when I do the same thing, you judge me?!”

She laughed through her tears.

“My bad if I fell in love! I am not sorry, damn! I was at first, but right now, I don’t give a shit! You’re not worthy at all!”


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