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Royalty Gone Bad novel Chapter 87


(Listen to the sexy love song of your choice?)


Writer’s POV:

Just like Djafar and the Queen, the sultan was very pleased with this new found love between his son and Saïda. He’d arrived a few hours after and had been more than happy to hear that a royal wedding would finally hold. Not just any, but his son’s. And not just with anybody, but with Saïda.

The little good girl everyone in the palace appreciated and the one almost everyone had watched grow alongside the Prince, into the beautiful and smart young woman she now was. It was very evident. No one was as fit, as Saïda, to take over the Queen’s duties. She knew all of Zagreh’s history by heart, knew how the palace functioned, knew how to handle most issues, was very responsible and plus, she was perfect for the Prince. She influenced him positively, more than anyone else. With Saïda at his side, it was a fact that Asahd would be on his best behavior, once crowned sultan.


At dinner time that night, Djafar and Saïda were asked to join the royal family at the table, which they did.

Of course, Asahd made sure Saïda sat close to him. It wasn’t the first time that the royal advisers joined the royals at the table and so the maids and Saïda’s friends that served them didn’t suspect anything unusual.

Saïda had kept her mouth shut during the day and had told none of her friends. They would only discover it the next day when the Queen and her father would summon all employees and announce the good news.


Saïda’s POV:

About ten minutes after I’d finished eating, I slowly stood.

“Thank you very much for the meal, my sultan and Queen,” I curtsied.

“You are welcome, my dear.”

“Off to bed already?” my father asked.

“Yes, father. The day was quite busy for me. Especially with all that happened,” I smiled. “I’d like to rest.”

“Okay, my dear. Sleep tight.”

“Thank you, father. Goodnight,” I turned to the others. “Goodnight my Queen.”

“Goodnight, darling.”

“Goodnight, my sultan.”

“Goodnight dear.”

I then turned to Asahd, my cheeks uncontrollably reddening. The adults all had their eyes on us.

“Goodnight, Asahd,” I smiled shyly.

“Goodnight, love. See you tomorrow morning,” he smiled knowingly and kissed the top of my hand. I reddened even more.

“Alright,” I excused myself and left.

Asahd’s POV:

I faced front again and to my great amusement, my father was smiling brightly, as well as my mother and Djafar.

“It’s almost unbelievable,” my father mused and I chuckled.

“It’s still surprising me, your Majesty,” Djafar admitted and we laughed.

“Well, believe it or not, I’m deeply in love with her,” I told them with a smile.

“It’s so evident. No need to even say it,” my mother mused and my father agreed with a little laugh.

“I’m telling you. It’s all in his eyes. I never thought this playful son of mine could fall in love. I’m very happy,” my father admitted and it pleased me.

“And with Saïda! I would’ve never imagined them together.”


We continued to eat what was left in our plates while we spoke of my future wedding and other interesting topics. Throughout, I was off. It’d been thirty minutes since Saïda had left the table and I hoped she would not fall asleep in that guestroom, while waiting for me. I immediately dropped my fork and slowly stood.

“I’m off to bed, now.”

“Okay, dear.”

“Goodnight,” they all said and I bowed a little.

“Goodnight, father, mother, father in-law to be,” I mused and they laughed.

I then excused myself and left the dining room. I went straight to my room to shower so that by the time I was done doing so, I would be sure that everyone else had eventually retired to bed too.


Saïda’s POV:

An hour had already passed since I’d left the dining room. I’d just showered and had worn a little night dress.

The palace was silent and I knew everyone had retired to bed too. I grabbed my satin night robe and tied it. Then, carefully, I opened my room’s door and stepped out.

My heart was racy and I hoped not to come across anyone.


I walked down the empty halls, full of guards. I walked past them as normally as possible and headed for the kitchen as if I was going to get myself a glass of water or so.

I got to the huge kitchen and walked through a back door that led into a different corridor that was a shortcut to where the guestrooms were found.

I reached the place and as expected, its halls weren’t guarded as people hardly explored that part of the palace, that is, unless there were guests.


I rushed down to the door of the particular room where Asahd and I had promised to meet. I opened it and stepped in, closing the door behind me. It was pitch black in it and so I searched the switch to put on the lights. When I did so, I realised the switch was bad and so that room had no light.

′Oh no. What do I do?′

I took my phone out and looked around. There were candles. I searched some more and found a matchbox. I was very pleased. I put my phone down on the bed and immediately began to light the candles. As I did so, goosebumps covered my skin.

′Reminds me of yesterday.′

I bit my lip at the thought of my first time with Asahd.

′I can’t believe how much I want him. I don’t recognise myself. I’m so shameless now.′

I thought of what I’d told him earlier, after we’d gotten the good news of our marriage being approved.

’...-I’m even more impatient for us to make love tonight now that I’m sure to spend the rest of my life with you.-...′

“I can’t believe those words left my mouth,” I muttered, goosebumps covering my skin.

′They say I influence Asahd but he definitely influences me too, a lot. He’s thought me not to be shameless of my desires, though I’m still shy to admit some things.′

I finished lighting the last candle.

“Now all I have to do is wait for Prince charming,” I sighed a little, sitting on the edge of the bed.


Asahd’s POV:

With nothing but a pair of sweatpants on, I sneakily left my room. I’d asked the guards that usually stood in front of my door to go away.

I quietly went down the staircase. There were so many passageways and shortcuts, and so, I took one of the passage ways.

I rushed to the library and behind one of the shelves, was a door that would lead straight into the hall where the guestrooms were. I passed through it and was there in no time.

I went straight to the particular room’s door and slowly opened it.

When I entered, I was surprised to see that it was lighted with candles. It didn’t bother me at all. I smiled when I saw Saïda sitting and waiting for me. She smiled back and stood, her cheeks reddening. I locked the door and immediately approached her.


I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer to me. Without saying a word, I lowered my head and kissed her deep. She slowly wrapped her arms around my neck. I caressed her body, the satin material of her robe so soft and smooth.

Kissing her was enough to have my heart pump blood all the way down and rushing to my dick.

As I kissed her, I untied her robe and let it drop to the floor. I looked at the tiny nightie she had underneath it and it made me swallow.

“Tell me you’re completely naked underneath, Saïda,” the words left my mouth in a husky whisper.

Saïda reddened. She looked so innocent every single time and it was killing me. It drove me crazy just thinking of making love to such an angel. She was mine now, completely mine. I enjoyed her innocence, her naivety and how submissive she was with me. She had me addicted. She had me hooked.

“I’m naked underneath, Asahd,” her reply was very low. Almost unheard.

′No time to waste, then.′

I immediately grabbed the back of her thighs, carrying her and making her wrap her legs around me me. My loins were already on fire and I kissed her deep, taking her to the bed. My desire consuming me. It was insatiable. Saïda was turning me into a nymphomaniac. I was addicted to sex with her. I was addicted to her love making. I’d entered her once, but that marked the end of my self-control and commonsense. I just wanted to bury myself in her, feel her tightened even more around my dick. I wanted her to to shiver underneath me as she came endlessly, digging her nails into my back and gasping for her.

Carefully, I put her down on the bed. She lay with bended knees, but still kept them shut. She was still shy when it came to certain things. But it was never for long. I would always make her end up moaning the most shameless things.

I stood by the bed and stared down at her, my erection already hurting and poking through the fabric of my sweatpants. She could hardly keep her eyes off my print and it pleased me.

“Never,” I muttered, putting my hands on her knees. “Close them, when you know I’m about to make love to you.”

Her face reddened and I could tell her breath hitched.

“I mean it, Saïda,” I said firmly. “It frustrates me.”

“I’m sorry,” her whisper came out low and she seemed breathless already.

“Part them for me, sweetheart,” I told her slowly.

Saïda’s POV:

′Oh my gosh.′

I thought and swallowed, goosebumps covering my skin and my heart threatening to burst out of my chest.

′He’s already seen you. Just do it.′

“Now Saïda,” he said, his voice low and deep.

′Oh gosh.′

Swallowing, I slowly parted my thighs, my heartbeat even more racy. I parted them and Asahd had his eyes on me. The whole situation had me breathing hard already.

I parted them to a certain point and stopped, lacking the courage to go on. Goosebumps covered my skin when I watched Asahd slide a hand into the waistband of his sweatpants and grab the bulge in them. When started to touch himself and a moan escaped his lips, I literally stopped breathing, unable to take my eyes off him. He was just so sensual, so shameless in his ways and it glued me to the spot every single time.

“You like watching me touch myself, don’t you?”

He whispered, slowly opened his eyes and looked down at me, still playing with himself in his sweatpants.

I was speechless. My lips parted but no word left my mouth. Till then, my eyes were still glued to what he was doing. It got all my attention and I could hardly look up at him in the eyes.

“Wider, sweetheart,” he said huskily, looking at my intimacy and making me grow even redder. The goosebumps seemed to be stuck to my skin forever.

“Part your thighs, wider. As wide as I’d done myself, yesterday.”

′Oh gosh. How can he ask me to do that?

-But you want to do it. You want to please him. You want him to stare at you with nothing but desire in his eyes. Please him. Do what he says.

I can’t believe this is me.′

Writer’s POV:

Her heart pounding, Saïda obediently did as told. She parted them wider, her chest heaving a little from the erotic act. The way Asahd looked at her, his wicked smirk of satisfaction, made Saïda bite her lip and butterflies to invade her tummy.


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