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Rules of Engagement novel Chapter 164

Ron had a quarrel with Chloe for some unknown reason. The cleaner came to clean up the bowls and chopsticks. When she walked up to Elsa, the maid recognized her. "Miss, how are you doing recently?"

Elsa recognized that she was the aunt who worked in the hospital. She signed Elsa's novel with her ID card. Elsa nodded, "Hello."

The maid cleaned up the table quickly. After that, she came to clean up the living room and filled the garbage. Ron didn't want to argue with Chloe, so he changed the topic to talk to Soren and Elsa. "It's the first time that Mrs. Elsa has come, right? How do you know this woman?"

"The thing happened last time..." Elsa told him what had happened. "I wrote that novel for leisure. I don't know who played such a trick. It also troubled us and this woman. Fortunately, things were clear later."

Hearing this, Chloe felt a little uncomfortable. She threw the fruit peel on the ground and said in a low voice, "You can leave after sweeping it. You have talked so much."

Ron suddenly thought of something and asked, "Mrs. Elsa, what's the name of your editor?"

But somehow, Chloe was annoyed. "Ron, where is the document I asked you to help me download? Where have you downloaded it?"

"Chloe, can you respect us? We are chatting. Can you cut in other words later?" All of a sudden, Ron also became very angry.

Soren and Elsa didn't know what was wrong with them. They stood up and wanted to leave, but Chloe didn't keep being angry this time. She said in a gentle voice, "Let's go to downloaded it now, okay?"

Ron ignored her and asked, "Mrs. Elsa, who is your editor?"

Not knowing why the two of them quarreled again. Elsa took a look at Soren, and Soren gave her a hint that it was okay. Then she said, "His name is Mark."

Ron's face darkened all of a sudden. "You mean that your novel was stolen after you submitted it to Mark? The information of the person who stole the contract shows that it's this woman? And this woman knows nothing at all?"

"Yes. But it's all in the past. There's no loss or impact. I just casually have a chat with this woman today." Said Elsa, trying to calm down this obviously strange situation.

All of a sudden, Ron turned around. His posture was so big that he almost stumbled Chloe. Chloe's face turned pale. Ron clenched his fists and said, "Chloe, apologize to Mrs. Elsa!"

"I didn't do anything. Why should I apologize to her?" Although Chloe was tough, she felt a little guilty in her mind.

"How dare you say that you did nothing?" Ron was so angry that he almost lost control of his emotions.

Chloe stared at him and said, "I just did nothing! Why should I apologize to her? Who is she? No matter what happened, the first person you suspect is me. You have never trusted me, never!"

Both Soren and Elsa had guessed what had happened, but they didn't know why Chloe knew Mark and had the chance to get the novel draft of Elsa from him. They had to persuade him, "Forget it. Let bygones be bygones. Besides, the matter has been solved. You two please talk nicely."

"Let's talk it over. I just let her spoil everything. I let her get more and more insatiable. She can do whatever she wants for her own selfish desires. She never consider other people's thoughts and feelings, and build her own happiness on other people's pain. She did the same to me and my friends." Ron said, but he calmed down. "Maybe, it's really my fault. In this relationship, I always tolerate her, instead of helping you grow up. I just spoiled you more and more like an ignorant child. Chloe, I think we are really not the right person for each other. Let's forget about our relationship."

Chloe didn't expect that Ron would break up with her in front of his friends. After the shock, tears ran down uncontrollably. "Ron, how could you break up with me just for this matter? Yes, I admit that I copied her novel from Mark's computer and published it. I just don't want to see her good. As you have seen, Norah was so sad for Soren. Why should I see this woman be good? You are a friend of Soren, but I am not! You always put the interests of your friends above mine. Have you ever considered my feelings? But I didn't expect that you would break up with me for this. I'm not convinced, and I'll tell you, I won't agree!"

"Whatever!" After saying that, Ron opened the door and strode out.

The cleaning lady was still confused. She didn't know that she had caused a big storm and didn't understand what they were talking about. It never occurred to Elsa that things would turn out like this tonight. It was not a scene she had imagined or wanted to see at all, because it was too bizarre. It was also because she had never thought that the person who had stolen her novel would be Chloe.

Chloe lost her temper in the living room and threw things everywhere. She was not familiar with Elsa, and was still very hostile to her. Elsa couldn't calm her down in this situation. Soren was used to Chloe's reaction, so he had to say, "Elsa, let's go out first and leave her alone."

They walked out together. Ron sat in his car and kept smoking, looking very annoyed. Elsa felt guilty. "I'm sorry, Ren. I didn't know that things would turn out like this because of me."

"It's okay. It's not your fault." Soren said softly, "I'll sit with Ron for a while. Wait for me in the car."


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