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Rush into Your Heart novel Chapter 8

"Sofia, what will it take for you to forgive me. I... I didn't mean it. But I do love him, and I can’t repress my feelings . Do not blame Fitzgerald, if you do, blame me!

Sofia snickered, "Wendy, which Film Academy did you graduate from, or are you a super scholar?"

"Sofia, that's enough. What more do you want? And this whole thing is my fault. Don't you go too far!"

"Am I excessive?" Sofia looked at Fitzgerald before her. She suddenly felt as if she had never known him before. She was so glad she could see it all now.

"I didn't beg her to apologize to me and pray for my forgiveness. She was noble, and I’m not her. Now please take your girl and get out of my world forever! Don't ever let me see you again."

"Sofia, the more you do this, the more I'll only hate you. If you dare hurt Wendy, I won't forgive you."

Fitzgerald said, taking tearful Wendy by the hand and went out of Sofia's sight. The moment they passed by, Sofia smirked inwardly. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Wendy's winning smile.

Here's to both of them love forever!

After they left, Sofia was ready to pack up and get her dad settled first. As soon as she turned around, she saw Wilson standing behind her.

When this man had arrived, she hadn't even noticed it at all.

"What a coincidence. " Sofia squeezed out a smile. It was hilarious, every time she was in a mess she was seen by this man.

"Master Yun, Master Gu is all set over there." Zack trotted over. He saw Sofia packing her bags and a man lying on the hospital bed next to her.

Looking at Sofia's slender back, seemingly weak, but strong, Wilson’s heartbeat was lost for a minute. This moment touched his heart a little.

He was passing by just as Sofia was thrown out of the hospital.

The hospital called in the morning. Calvin was in the hospital with a perforated stomach due to drinking. He rushed over, not expecting to run into her here again.

He was going to say hello, but he happened to see such a scene.

Wilson walked up to Sofia, tossed her bags to Zack, and took her hand.

Sofia looked at him strangely. Wilson's hands were large enough to hold her whole hand in them. The warmth of it made her a little uncomfortable.

"Zack, take care of things here." Wilson looked at Sofia with a blank expression and added, "Let's go somewhere and talk."

Without waiting for Sofia to respond, Wilson pulled her away. Sofia looked at her dad and was trying to explain something.

Wilson immediately said, "Zack will deal with it, don't worry." Then Sofia was then taken away somehow.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Sofia was still a little dazed. Wilson turned to look at her and suddenly approached her. It frightened Sofia so much that she couldn't move against the seat.

The next thing she saw was Wilson pulling her seat belt over and fastening it for her. Sofia was so relieved, but her face was as red as a tomato.

"Western-style food, is that okay?"

Chapter 8 Marry Me 1

Chapter 8 Marry Me 2


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