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Savage Mates novel Chapter 98

Chapter Ninety-Eight: My boss is a what? 

Charity and I stood in front of the open door to Aaron’s apartment. We had finished breakfast and I had helped her clean up the mess that she left in his kitchen. The pain relievers had kicked in and my headache was almost all gone.

“Are you sure that I can’t change your mind?” Charity asked, worrying the hem of her shirt with her fingers. “I’m worried that your guys will blame me for you leaving.”

“Dude, they won’t blame you for me leaving. This is a me thing and no, you can’t change my mind.” I said, pulling her into a hug. “Besides, it’s not like I’m leaving forever. I’ll be back in a few days. I can’t afford to stay away from work any longer than that.”

“You better. You can’t leave me here alone. I’ll come and find you.” Charity squeezed me tighter before stepping back and looking at me. “Being mated looks good on you, though. But I get it, you’ve had a lot thrust onto you. I’ll be here when you need me.”

I stepped back, tugging my purse to the front of me and digging around my bag until I found my keys. “I know and I will. But I’ve got to go. I know that if I stay here, I won’t be able to sort through my feelings about them with without everything being all sexy fun times, and while those are great. I, I just need some time to breathe.

“I mean, you could just stay here with me. I’m sure Aaron wouldn’t mind another super hot chick hanging out at his place. Or, or you could stay at my place?, She suggested, a hopeful look in her eyes. Charity was giving me puppy dog eyes and it was starting to wear down my resolve but I knew that I needed to get away. If I didn’t, I would always wonder if what I was feeling was real or was it just the bond that I shared with my mates.

“Thank you, but I’m pretty sure that they would come over here if I did that. I’ll stay at my parent’s lake house for a few days. Then I’ll come home. I just need some time to process, well, everything.’

“You know, you could always just not think about it and enjoy the sex.”

“I could, but I have a feeling that they would move me into their pack house and never let me leave the bedroom. And I would always wonder if it was all real. Plus, I don’t think my boss would be cool with me never coming into work again.” I said, looking down at the dark, polished hardwood floors.

Tristian won’t care. But wonder if what’s real? The bond that you guys have, because I can promise you, it’s real. We spend our entire lives searching for our mates. They were made to love you and you them.” Charity said and I knew that she was thinking about Aaron.

*They don’t know me and I don’t know them. Good sex aside, what if we can’t make it work?” I didn’t look up at my friend. It was a big worry that I was having.

“Til, you’re mated. This isn’t like a human relationship or marriage. They won’t leave you.”

Nodding, I pressed my lips together. If I stayed too much longer, I would end up just going home and staying there. “I should head out. I need to call Tristian and come up with an excuse to be away from work for a few days.”

“You could just tell him the truth?”

My head snapped up and I looked at Charity. She couldn’t be serious. Looking into her eyes, I knew that she was.

“Yeah, I’m sure that conversation would go over so well. ‘Hey Tristian, I need to work from home permanently because my three shifter boyfriends won’t let me out of bed. You understand, right?”.” I joked, but her face didn’t change.

“You never know, he might be cooler than you think about it.” Charity said, leaning her hip against the door frame. “Is, um, is Tristian a shifter?”

Chapter 98 1


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