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Scarred Alphas by Norisha May novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 

Well, Cassyou are a smart one aren’t ya?Oliver says

He looks me up and down. I am n*ked and have nothing to cover myself with so I pay it no mind. Maybe having him distracted will help a bit

So? Tell me. Why have you done all of this? Was it you 

from the start?I ask

Of course not.He strides 

towards me and stands just a few feet away from me. My scheme started when you 


rejected me.” 

I don’t believe him and I am 

sure my expression shows it

I came here to establish

pack.He says

And you did that.” 

My ambitions do not stop there. It takes more than just placing a pack somewhere vacant to be well established

We would have been a target for other packs that didn’t think we belonged here or even your own pack. But you 

wouldn’t know all of this

You are new to your position 


and still learning.” 

I narrow my eyes at him

I am not trying to insult you.He says. Anyway, your pack is the most powerful 

one on this continent, so naturally, I wanted it

You wanted it? Just like 


Yes. And the easiest way to get it would have been to have you as my mate. That would have been the perfect 

outcome. We could have been so powerful together

We belonged together. But 


you had to go and ruin it

Make it harder for me.” 

So you just wanted to gain an instant powerful pack.” 

Actually, I share your 

father’s ambition. To rule 

them all. All other packs to fall at my feet. That is my goal.” 

Well, my father was always 

crazy so that means that so are you.” 

Call me what you wish. It is my right.” 

Yourright?I laugh. You do sound just like him. And 


tell me, why are you so worthy of ruling all other packs? How is it your right?” 

He smiles. You still haven’t 

figured it out?He asks

Figured what out?” 

He laughs. Nothing.” 

Stop playing games! I am 

tired of your shit!” 

But it’s so much fun to see 

you so frustrated.” 

Fun? FUN! You almost killed 

my mate!” 

Damn, almost” 


I think it is time for you to 

die now.I tell him. I look 

deep into his eyes. Die.” 

He quietly stares at meand 

continues to stare

I take a step back

What is wrong?He asks


Why what?” 

Why is my power not 

working on you?” 

Calmly, he straightens and 

puts his hands in his pockets

You tell me.” 


Eithermy powers are not 

working orthey don’t work 

on you


Which one is it then?He 



I don’t know which one it is 

but now it doesn’t matter,

need to get away from him. I can’t fight him. It would be like fighting Colt or my Father

I turn around and start 

running but I don’t get far.

feel him behind me. He has 

one arm around my waist 


and his other hand holds me 

by the neck

And where do you think 

you are going? I am not done playing with you.” 

Don’t touch me!” 

I turn my head and look at 

him. Let me go!

command but nothing happens.” 

Why?! Why are you 


Why do you think?He 


II don’t know.” 


Think, Casseopea. Think 

about it. You and I belong together. Why is that? Why do you think I tell you that 

we would have been 

powerful together?” 

He turns me around and 

holds my chin to look into 

his eyes

If you were normal, I would 

have been able to make 

choose me.” 



Make youjust like if I was normal, you could make me do whatever you wished.” 


I fall into shock realizing


Oliver ValdDoes that not 

ring a bell?” 

ValdGunvaldI mutter 

after thinking


The three families with this 

power. Chevalier, Solveig 

and Gunvald

I push away from him and he lets me go but I don’t run

I am in shock and so I face 


But how! If this is true, then 


why didn’t you use your powers to get an advantage?” 

I couldn’t give myself away. If my family were to know that I am still alive, they’d 

hunt me down.” 

Yourfamily? Why?” 

He smiles and it is a wicked 

smile. I killed my two oldest siblings. I wanted to be 

Alpha of the pack and so I had to get rid of them. I would have gotten away with 

it too but I made a few 

mistakes along the way and I got caught.He goes on. My family disowned me and 


marked me for death. It is

game we have back home

Those who are condemned 

to death have to participate 

in a game. A hunt. The condemned is hunted by the whole pack. I managed to escape before that, thanks to some supporters who 

believed that I was meant to 

be Alpha if my siblings were killed so easily by me. It is 

what used to be done in the 

old days you know. Siblings fought for the Alpha position but somehow down the line

that tradition was changed. I will bring that back

You and Ezra are so alike” 

Don’t compare me to that 

immature idiot! The fool couldn’t see past you.” 

So you want my pack? Then you’ll have to kill me.” 

Kill you? No. I’ll make you my Luna. That power that 

runs inside you and me is 

special and rare. It would be 

a waste to kill you.” 

I will never submit to you.” 

You don’t have to.” 

Wait, I am confused. If you 

want me to be your Luna


then why did you take me to 


I needed somewhere to hide 

you. Zao had it clear that he was not to let you die. Why do you think you were always so lucky to have a team with you? What I was not expecting was you killing Zao and taking over. That 

was a huge surprise.” 

You mother f**ker! And 

what about Ezra? What were 

your plans with him?” 

I was using him. I needed a place to hide and also men to be able to go against you

After yours, his was the 

biggest pack

You still can’t take us even 

with this kind of men 


Is that what you think will 

happen? I have a plan.” 

What is it?” 

MhI guess it won’t hurt to 

reveal it. This pack will be 

given to me. When all the 

other packs find out what 

your pack did” 

What my pack did?” 

Yes, you killed all the Alphas 

in a meeting that was 

supposed to be a neutral 


You can’t blame us for this

Not all Alphas were killed 

and they know the truth.” 

You are really 

smallminded. Can’t blame 

you. You have no idea how to 

run a pack.” 

Stop being so 

condescending! I will never 

let you, even if my powers don’t work on you-” 

Ah! Yes! This power of yours. About thatI’m going 

to need you to lose it.” 

Lose it?! As if that were 


He snickers. It is, if you can’t 


If I can’tsee?” 

He lowers his stare and I can 

see him getting ready to attack me. You, don’t need 

to see to be my Luna or the mother of my offspring.” 

You are sick!I turn and run 

but I immediately hear him 

running after me so I start shifting

This is another thing that I intend to bring back!He 

shouts. When a male wolf 

would hunt for his mate!

will make our kind greAT AGAIN!He growls at the 

end and I know he has 


I try my best to run back to the pack house but I have to suddenly deviate when I hear him right on my heel. I turn and see him slide past me trying to stop. I continue running but I have no 

intention of doing this 

forever. At some point, I am 

going to have to fight him

He is behind me again and 

does not slow down. I reach a slope going up and use all of my strength that I have to go up. when I hear him behind 

me, I turn around and slam into him letting gravity help. The momentum of coming 

down so suddenly hits him like a bolder. I dig my fangs into his shoulder and bite as 

hard as I can. He rolls us 

around and I fly away from 

him hitting a tree

The pain surges through my 

spine and head

I open my eyes but it is 

blurry. I am in and out of focus. I shift, hoping that this will help me reorient myself 

and it does actually help


When I get upholding myself against the treeI see Oliver rushing me, already 

shifted into human. He holds 

me by the neck and gets 


Those pretty eyes need to go.” 


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