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Scary Night (Stuck In His World) novel Chapter 47

Love Is Pain (ii)


"Why will my brother want to kill me or is he manipulated?".

I watched him fire the arrow and the arrow flew through my side without hurting me, then I heard someone groan in pain, checking out what made the sound, a vampire was almost attacking me and my brother came at the right time to help me.

The vampire burnt to ashes, I gave my brother a thumbs up and the pains in my stomach started again.

I fell on the ground as my brother rushed to carry me up," Are you okay Nora?".

"I doubt if am fine, am getting weak and exhausted, I need to rest, take me with you to see father, I want to stay with you all for I don't have where to go to, have lost my friend and home", I said in a fainting voice

" Don't make a sound okay, will take you to our found home for you to rest and get yourself together okay?", Mateo said and I smiled at this.



I opened my eyes in a place I wasn't used to and recognized my dad's voice when he said, "My little Princess, you are awake", he said with tears flowing down his eyes.

" Father, I miss you so much!!", I hugged him so close.

"I thought I will never see you again father, I thought have lost you completely, now I see you, I feel whole to have my family back again", I said with emotions as tears left my eyes.

" Now we have been united again, we can finally revenge the family that separated us and hurt us so dearly", father said.

I know he's referring to Lorenzo and his father but I don't want that at all.

"Father why revenge, is there no other way?", I asked.

" Mateo told me everything dear child, am happy you found your mate but Lorenzo, that's bad news for us, he like his heartless father, he won't value you". Father tried taking me into agreeing with what they want to do.

"No father that's not true, you can't judge Lorenzo because of what his father did, they are two different people even if they are related, they are of different personalities, Lorenzo is nothing like his father, he loves me dearly and will never let harm come to me...". I replied the father.

" Oh, sister he has blinded you, what if he has plans to use you to gain his selfish desire hum? Moreover, you are a hybrid, half Lycan and half-witch, he will take you for a weak Luna, please reconsider, the combat is fast approaching", Mateo said when he came in.

"I can't believe this, he knows am a hybrid but yet he still chooses to be by me, stop this combat for I fear out of you two range for each other it might result to one's death, I can't bear it if I lose any of you please, just back out", I pleaded.

" Am sorry Nora for no number of words you say will change my mind, have made up my mind, backing out will make me a Coward, don't be bothered other for he will be the one to lose his life. Get ready to see our fellow lycans who are happy about your return and please don't tell them his your mate or thinking of stopping them for they will be heartbroken, his father took most of their loved ones and family which can never be replaced, we will be waiting for you at the pack sister", Mateo said before taking his leave along with father.

"This is so not fair at all, why won't anyone side with me, why?". I said to myself with unhappiness.

Chapter 47-Love Is Pain(ii) 1


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