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Second Assault — Bond And Treason — novel Chapter 39

The Mansion's kitchen, 3:53 p.m.



Oh. My. God.

Did I hear right?



Xander King?

It can't be. Mrs. Ewa must be delirious, the poor woman's age is already affecting her. I should tell Magnus it's time to put her in a nursing home. Although, I'll have to wait until she gets over the shock she's in now.

—You seriously didn't know, boy? — I'm surprised she doesn't seem at all upset by Magnus' presence.

—But... — I try hard to pronounce the words, but my brain is blank, unable to process what I just heard. I take a glance at Magnus out of the corner of my eye, and I honestly can't figure out what to say to him. I can't have babies, there's no way I'm pregnant. That possibility was ruled out before I could escape from the boarding school. No. It's not possible... Is it?

—What about you? — addressing Magnus, who slowly walks towards us, with a neutral expression on the face —. Didn't you feel the change in his scent? You must have been the first to notice — with the tone the old woman uses, it's like she's scolding him.

Magnus doesn't respond, he just keeps getting closer and closer. By the time he's finally by my side, just watches me, making me even more nervous and anxious than before. I look back at him, trying to catch some emotion that tells me how he's feeling right now. If what Mrs. Ewa says is true, I have no idea what he will think about it. Will he refuse? Will he be angry?

I have no clue, we never talked about having children in the first place. Though I guess he never brought it up because he knew it was a sensitive subject for me.

But now, I'm scared... Very scared. His stare freezes my bones and sitting here, appears to be bigger than he already is. Yet, I refuse to move from my place. Also for fear of feeling bad again.

—Magnus? — I hesitate, desperate to get any answers from him, but nothing happens. But, after a few long seconds, he is moving.

Slowly leans over me, bringing the face closer to mine. I thought he was going to kiss me, so I stood as still as I could and closed the eyes, waiting for the contact of his lips... But it didn't happen. Instead, I hear his nose brushing against the skin of my neck and sniffing me.

I immediately get goosebumps and small tremors spread through my body, but I try to stay still, regulating my breathing as much as possible. He takes deep inhalations in different parts: above my pulse, through my Adam's apple, and finally in my clavicles. At this point, I'm super anxious, and the silence in the kitchen is suddenly deadly. Not even the twins are moving, watching the scene closely.

—I can feel it — mumbles, concluding in a short gasp, and his breath tickles my skin —. Xander... — his voice is low and I can feel my heart breaking into a thousand pieces. Then it's true. I am pregnant. And Magnus... He doesn't want it? —. Kitty — I feel a drop fall in my throat and, if I was immobile, now I'm frozen —. How did I not notice before? — his voice fading away and... Was that a sob?

—Magnus? — I manage to ask through the thick knot that has formed in my throat, unable to articulate anything else. Suddenly, his strong arms surround my waist, lifting me off the stool, my feet floating several inches off the ground. Okay, now I'm confused.

—It's true, kitty — when he finally lifts the face, I completely forget how to breathe —. You are expecting my child — long, thick tears slide down his blushing cheeks, a huge smile that lights up the white teeth, while his chest is shaking from the crying.

But it's his gaze. His eyes look at me in such a way, that I feel like the most priceless and perfect being in the universe. They are crystal clear and red from crying, but he can convey to me the love and emotion that seems incapable of uttering with words. The breath I was suddenly holding back, is finally released from my lungs, the relief and happiness I sense at this moment is like none I have ever felt.

It is beautiful, everything I once dreamed of, I can at last have within reach. The memory of what my grandmother told me that time comes back and makes me even more excited and extremely happy. Slowly, very slowly, he leaves me on my feet.

His beautiful glance without detaching from mine, still shocked and the smile that has not yet disappeared. My feet touch the ground, but I still think I am floating.

Instinctively, my hands go to my belly and I cannot help but be moved by the knowledge that there is a little life growing inside of me. It is the result of the immense love we feel for each other and which we have fought for. He places the hands on top of mine, covering them completely with their largest size and leaves a soft kiss on my forehead. And it is here, at this very moment, inside this perfect and precious bubble, that warm tears flow from my eyes without being able to avoid it anymore.

—My love — whispers in the skin of my forehead and my eyes rise to meet his again —. How can I express to you how happy you have made me? — I want to answer... I truly do.

But the crying in which I am immersed, means that I can't form words now. Magnus smiles and hollows my cheeks, pushing away the warm tears that seem to have no end, with sweetness.

—Don't cry — bends over and kisses me, in a tender and gentle touch. I encircle his body with my arms, tightly squeezing the fabric of the shirt, and rest my cheek on his chest, taking great delight in feeling the rapid beating of his heart. Caresses my hair with one hand, the other still surrounds my waist —. Talk to me, kitty— murmurs in my ear and I shudder —. I want to know how you feel.

—Magnus... — I lift the face, only to discover that he's still smiling and I can't help but be affected by the gesture —. For a moment, I thought that... — I stop, unable to continue. He frowned, puzzled, but quickly seemed to decipher the rest of what I was going to say.

—No, Xander. How can you believe that? — his tone has shock and irritation mixed in —. If I thought he couldn't be happier by your side, I was seriously wrong — his smile comes back and stops stroking my hair, to do it now with my cheek —. Can't you feel it through our bond?

—I don't...

—Close your eyes, my love — indicates and I slowly obey —. Can you feel it? — I take a deep breath and concentrate. Though it's a little difficult at first, I manage to disconnect from my surroundings and then I see it.

The forest, but it's not night anymore, it's not gloomy or grim. The sun illuminates the highest part of the sky and the air is warm and light. Large extensions of green grass give beauty to the picture and make it look more like a meadow. The trees are green, lush, and full of life.

The lake is no longer dark like the first time I saw it.

Now its waters are greenish-blue and crystal clear, and I can even see vibrantly colored fish, standing out through the delicate waves that form on the surface. But our tree is what takes the air out of my lungs.

It is no longer lights that adorn it, which allowed it to guide me at that time in the midst of darkness. Now its branches are full of vitality and energy, with red leaves that make it look huge and its reflection in the water gives more beauty to its surroundings.

The light that brightens it, causes a greater impact on my eyes and the more I observe it, the more peace and calm floods my soul. Its thick roots stick out a bit over the water and it couldn't look more imposing and stable. The beauty of the moment, of the place and of its existence is devastating.

Chapter 39 - Parents? 1

Chapter 39 - Parents? 2


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