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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate novel Chapter 228

Smith’s heart raced as he stared down at the laptop screen.

Actually, when he saw the sale decline, his heart nearly stopped beating. He didn’t know what went wrong. The sale was increasing so high that Smith knew he was eventually going to enter CCS finals.

The door burst open and he didn’t even know. His attention was all focused on the screen of the laptop as if a miracle would happen at that moment.

“Boss!” Mia screamed suddenly, jerking Smith out of his thoughts. He looked up at her, with an expression that showed how angry he was.

Well, Mia turned a blind eye to it. “We have a problem, sir.”

“Of course! Do you think I don’t know?” He snapped. “I have the fucking laptop in front of me!” He yelled.

Mia stepped back in fear. “I am so sorry sir but I just need to report this to you very quickly.”

Smith sighed. “What is this all about?”

Mia moved closer and placed her notepad in front of him. “We got this mail this morning.”

Smith read through and his head did a flip. “What the fuck is this?”

“They would like to pull back from advertising for us. They blame it on declining sales. According to them, it’s not even their fault. They’ve tried their best in promoting our products but it didn’t yield any effort. They are planning on sending us the money we paid them the last time.”

Smith couldn’t believe his ears.” What the fuck?”

Mia nodded briefly.” We are going against Victoria Skincare and it seems like they have more pundits than us. We should have continued our sales slowly. We shouldn’t_.”

Smith gave her a dirty glare that shut her up for good.” Are you saying I shouldn’t have decided to promote our company?”

Mia sighed. “No, but we kept displaying them besides Victoria skincare, even on social media. Now, it looks like Victoria’s skincare has skyrocketed again. In fact, it’s of the same level as Smooth Therapy,” she revealed.

Smith closed his eyes in defeat.” What do we do now?”

Mia went quiet for a moment. “We don’t have any funds left. Though, the company is still earning. So, we are optimistic about the future. If not, we will have to declare bankruptcy when the bank demands their money,” she explained.

Smith collapsed into the chair, and his eyes lost their color.


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