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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate novel Chapter 276

Chapter 276: Surprise announcement

Grey turned around slowly, the phone still in his hand.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here?"

"Is something going on there?" A voice asked suddenly.

Just before the man could say something, a car drove inside, followed by another. And everyone got distracted including the man that was pointing a gun at his face.

Grey took the opportunity quickly. He punched the man by the hand quickly so that he would drop the gun before he squeezed his next.

He took to the run quickly while the other men attended to the cars that just drove inside. Grey didn’t know if it was Charles or not but it was a great opportunity that he didn’t want to miss.

"Hey! Get him!" someone said suddenly as Grey hurried towards the entrance. Some of the men turned towards

Grey but it was too late and he had slipped inside already.

A man in a suit was speaking on the phone and walking towards Grey. Grey hid quickly and waited for him to move nearer. When he got closer, Grey came out and hit him by the neck and he slumped immediately. Grey pulled him into the darkness and changed into his clothes.

The MC on the stage was actually about to announce the winner of the CCS award. Giovanni has seen and met with some of the organisers before the program started. And the names have been changed. The MC was supposed to mention Grey only if he showed up. But then, it has been confirmed that he wouldn't. Well, Giovanni said he would see to it. That aside, he would be settling the organisers.

As much as some of the organisers don't want to go against Giovanni. They know the consequences of going against Norm. Grey Fox of Victoria Skincare was what was on the record but they could switch it up easily if Grey doesn’t show up.

The MC’s eyes searched around for another minute and when he didn’t notice Grey anywhere, he decided to announce Hattie’s name instead as the winner.

'The award for the CCS goes to_," he stopped suddenly as Grey walked inside. Mc’s eyes went wide with shock and the words he was about to say evaporated from his mouth.

Some of the crowds that were following him followed the path of his gaze toward the man in a suit that just stepped inside.

The organisers and VIP exchanged gazes and nodded briefly at the confused MC.

The MC cleared his throat, ".goes to Grey Fox of Victoria Skincare!" be announced and featured ahead at Grey Fox.


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