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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate novel Chapter 297

Chapter 297: Business

Alfred and Gregory entered Alfred's car and they barely drove for a few minutes when Alfred's phone rang suddenly.

It was one of Alfred's men. Alfred picked it up immediately.

"Yes, any update as to where Leo is going?"

"Well, he tried to commit suicide," he revealed.

Shock kept Alfred motionless for a moment. "What!" He exclaimed. He was shocked by the word.

"He tried to jump off the bridge but we stopped him. And we are on our way back home, you can just come home directly," he suggested.

Alfred nodded once. "Alright, later then," he hung up and looked at Gregory. "Leo wasn't going to be the spy, apparently. The man just informed me that he wanted to jump off the bridge," he announced.

Gregory sighed." Thank goodness you didn't inform Grey the other time or it would be very difficult to change his mind. He would want to believe Leo is a spy forever."

Alfred nodded once. "Do you want me to drop you at home?”

"So, what are you going to do?" Aphrodite demanded.

Grey looked away and didn't reply. "Go home, Aphrodite. I will let you know when I need you, which won't be soon. I have a lot of business to handle alone. Oh, with my men actually," there was a silly smile on his face.

Aphrodite has to admit that Grey had changed after Leo's confession. He seemed more determined and more callous. Aphrodite feared what he might do next.

"Grey, you do know that you can always speak with me. We used to be friends when we were still young."

Grey looked at her and nodded briefly. "I will, don't worry," he assured her.

Aphrodite nodded briefly and moved closer to sit beside him. "I heard that your girlfriend left already."

Grey regarded her for a moment before he nodded. "Who is your informant? You are always good at getting information. How do you do it?"

Aphrodite smiled softly. "I merely took after my mother. Remember those days when I used to spy on people for you?"

Grey laughed. "I remember it very well, including the last one you did, and decided not to do it anymore."

Aphrodite laughed. "You tricked me, Grey! You know that!" she sighed." Anyways, I'm glad you laughed."

Grey winked at her. "Thank you. You can leave now, I will be fine. Text me the address of the hospital where Charles was admitted to. I might check him there tomorrow."

Aphrodite nodded and stood. "I will do that. Sleep tight," she took a short bow before she walked out of the house.

Grey pulled out his phone and made a call to Don. He just remembered Jane and Tina and he needed to decide their fate as well as the rest of those people that had messed with him. Lawrence is also going to get his share of it.

Don picked it up immediately as if he was waiting for his call already.

"Hello, boss."

"Get set. You will be accompanying me to my estate in less than an hour," he announced and hesitated. "We might be there till tomorrow morning. So, you know," he added quickly.

"Alright boss. I will do that immediately."

And the line went off immediately.


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