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Seducing My Ex’s Father In Law novel Chapter 225

Chapter 0225

Leroy was kind enough to escort me into the mansion and to my room. I knew I would be fine by the

morning; my wolf was usually good at healing me fairly quickly. But I couldn’t get what had happened out of my mind. I knew he didn’t mean to hurt me and that he would never forgive himself if he knew the truth, so I decided to keep the information to myself. But still… he cared way more about getting Irene to the hospital than he did about me. Which, I couldn’t even blame him for. Irene was his daughter after all, but couldn’t he tell that he was being played? Telling from the smirk Irene was giving me as they left, she was faking her injury.

For a Lycan chairman, he was certainly fooled very easily, and it bothered me. Chester was kind enough to bring me dinner in bed and I thanked him before he left. I had a feeling he saw the news reports before they were pulled because he didn’t bother flirting with me like he usually does.

I couldn’t help but laugh; maybe some good did come from that after all.

Harper was very attentive to my needs as well and helped take care of me until I was feeling better. I was grateful for them both and glad that they were with me, even if things were weird between the two of them.

By the time I woke up the next morning, I was feeling way better. It was Friday and I was excited to spend the weekend doing nothing. I thought about maybe having a girl’s night with Nan. She had yet to see the mansion and I knew she’d been dying to see it since I told her I was staying here.

Plus, we both needed to just forget about things for a while.

“You know what we are doing this weekend?” I asked her when I saw her at school this morning.

She laughed.

“What’s that?” She asked, intrigued.

“A girl’s night.”

A spread across her face.

Maybe during this girl’s night, I could finally find out what’s been on her mind, I thought to myself.

She’s been a bit closed off lately since the party. I hadn’t asked her about the mate thing since she brought it up that night. I figured if she wanted me to know about it, then she would have told me sober.

But she hadn’t. It kind of hurt a little that she didn’t trust me with this huge secret.

“I can pick up some wine and we can eat junk food,” I continued. “How about tomorrow?”

“At the mansion?” She asked, her eyes wide with wonder.


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