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Sentenced to Marriage by MadlainQ novel Chapter 121


I opened my eyes and laced the bright sun rays creeping through the window of a familiar hospital room in Aren’s clinic. It took me a while before my brain fully acknowledged that I was sate. Once I did, I let out a soft exhale along with a few tears. I was lying still as the memories flashed back before my eyes, making me wonder what had happened and how I had found myself in the clinic. I thought of sitting up. I lifted my head and instantly welcomed an overwhelming headache.

“Miranda said that you shouldn’t move.” I heard Chris’s voice and saw him leaning over me a second later. “I can pull up the bed if you want to sit.” His lips curled into a faint smile.

I nodded, looking at him numbly and processing why he was in my room. As he pulled my bed up so I could sit, I took a closer look at him. He was wearing a black T-shirt and a pair of combat pants, but even the dark fabric couldn’t hide the dried bloodstains-proof of the fight. Only then did I realize that it was his voice I heard just before I passed out. “Thank you,” I mumbled, tugging at the hem of his shirt.

He stretched his lips into a grin, but his eyes reflected nothing aside from concern. He grabbed my hand, took it away from his shirt, and put it on the bed. “Don’t mention it,” he said softly.

My mouth was dry like a desert. I reached my hand to get a glass of water that stood on the bedside cabinet, but Chris was first.

“I’ll do it. You shouldn’t move your hands too much.”

I raised my eyebrows, wondering why he mentioned my hands until I looked at my wrists covered by bandages that already had stains soaked with blood.

Chris followed my gaze and put the glass back on the bedside cabinet. “Stay still! I’ll get Miranda!” He rushed to the door.

“It doesn’t hurt,” I muttered.

“Of course, it doesn’t! Miranda gave you the strongest painkillers she could!” He frowned while opening the door. “If your wounds get infected, Aren will kill both Miranda and me!”

Hearing my husband’s name put a smile on my face, but that smile disappeared as I recalled Ian Haskett’s words. Was there any truth in what he’d said? I didn’t want to believe it. I had known for a long time that Aren was a player. He could have been cruel and cold, but taking advantage of a weak girl or hurting her physically didn’t sound like him at all. “Cora, honey, how do you feel?” Miranda burst into the room with watery eyes. “Good…” I stretched my lips into a thin smile. “Aside from the headache, it’s fine.”

Chris closed the door behind them and stayed in the corner of the room. Miranda sat by my bed and took out fresh bandages from the medical box she brought with her. “You had a mild concussion. There are some bruises on your back, chest, and legs, but your wrists… I don’t know what that fucker put on those handcuffs, but I seriously wish someone put the same thing on his dick,” she hissed, gently unwrapping the bloody gauze.

“I don’t get it…” I looked at her, confused. “Was there something unusual on those cuffs? I knew they were sharp-edged but…” I froze as I looked at my unwrapped from bandages wrists.

Except for the multiple small cuts, my wounds looked like they were burned by some chemical

substance. It looked disgusting, but the worst part of it was that these cuts didn’t seem to heal.

“I know how it looks….” Miranda patted my head. “That fucker must have put some bleach on the cuffs. Each time they tore or cut your skin, it infected your wounds. But don’t worry, Aren is getting special ointments to help your skin heal faster. There won’t be any scars,” she said, a comforting smile crossing her lips.

Chapter 121 1


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