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Septuplet And Their Super Daddy novel Chapter 20

"I am furious."

Alfred looked really gloomy. He stared at Michael Johnson as if wanting to gulf Michael directly.

He thought his proposal was bound to succeed but he didn’t expect Michael’s appearance!

"Oh, you are furious! What then?"

Michael sneered. He looked down upon him, excoriated in a cold voice, "Get out of my way! "

His powerful, oppressive manner dumbfounded Alfred.

‘How dare he talk to me like this?’

‘Who is this man?’

Alfred realized that he was scolded by Michael and even dared not to contradict. He got even more angry, staring at Michael and starting threatening, "How dare you! Do you know my family…"


Before he had finished, Alfred was slapped by Michael.

It really hurt.

"Say that again!" Michael was really furious now. Anyway, he was once the son of the wealthiest family in this city, and there was no way for him to be scared by this faceless guy.

"I'm going to let you …"


Another slap.

"I’ll fucking kill you …"


Clap! Clap! Clap!


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