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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 103

Emelia attended the charity dinner, and Yvonne was there as well.

Julian turned down the invitation. Yvonne could only ask Caroline to go with her so that she could maintain her identity of a future member of the Hughes family.

Everyone thought that Yvonne was going to marry into the Hughes family since she got along so well with Caroline.

Yvonne was in a white strapless gown, intentionally showing her cleavage.

Of course, showing a little flesh to get ahead in the career was pretty normal in the entertainment circle. The color white really suited Yvonne's style.

Caroline also looked beautiful in a dusty pink dress. It matched her skin tone.

The two immediately swarmed into a group of women the minute they made it to the venue.

"Julian didn't come with you?" a woman asked Yvonne, smiling.

Caroline cut in before Yvonne could make up an answer, "You know Julian. He is just a workaholic. I don't know what Yvonne sees in him."

Yvonne smiled elegantly, "Men should focus on the career."

The reason why Caroline was sensible enough to defend Yvonne was that Heather had asked her to help Yvonne maintain a good image in advance.

Plus, Yvonne had promised her the greatest benefits after Yvonne married into the Hughes family.

So, she naturally would help Yvonne. Although Caroline didn't care about the money, she couldn't stand it when Julian deducted her allowance every time she got in trouble.

If Yvonne, her best friend, got to hold the Hughes family's wallet, she would give Caroline a great deal of money then.

Hearing Caroline and Yvonne's words, the group of women was convinced that Julian marrying Yvonne.

Another woman glanced at Yvonne's flat belly and whispered to her curiously, "Yvonne, why did you step off-screen all of a sudden? Are you pregnant? "

The word "pregnant" flustered Yvonne's heart. She was a little nervous about her flimsy lie being exposed.

She made up an excuse of her being pregnant to drive a wedge between Emelia and Julian. Yvonne was afraid that Julian would find out about this because she didn't know how to face him if he really did.

The fact that she and Julian had never slept together before made her even jumpier.

"No. Stop it," Yvonne replied with a polite smile.

The group of women laughed and congratulated her, reminding Yvonne to invite them to her and Julian's wedding.

Thinking about the dilemma she was in, Yvonne hated Emelia even more.

Yvonne gnashed her teeth. When she looked up, she saw Emelia entering from the door, holding Viggo's arm. Their arrival made quite a stir in the venue because...

Emelia looked fabulous.

Yvonne couldn't believe her eyes. She stared at Emelia for some time, couldn't shift her gaze away.

It was probably because Emelia had never dressed up like this, so everyone was stunned by the sudden change of her style.

Yvonne still remembered how dazzling Emelia looked in that red dress at the Hughes Group's anniversary party.

The low whispers of the staff praising Emelia's good look after she left the venue that day echoed in Yvonne's head.

Someone even said that Emelia was more beautiful than Yvonne, the most popular actress who was constantly involved in scandalous rumors with Julian.

Hearing that, she was so angry and jealous that her nail sank into her palm.

Caroline also saw Emelia, so she dragged Yvonne to the side. "Has she no shame? She is not qualified to be here!" Caroline said crossly.


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