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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 134

Jean did a session with Emelia for about half an hour, which had lifted a great deal of burden off Emelia's mind.

At this time, Nina arrived. Only then did Viggo return home to rest.

Nina stayed behind to take care of Emelia. Her beautiful face was full of heartache and sadness.

She leaned against Emelia's bed, feeling rather dejected. "Emelia, when will we become strong enough not to be bullied or hurt by anyone?"

Caroline, that bitch, dared to be so arrogant just because the Hughes Family had power and influence in Riverside City.

Nina's family background wasn't that good either. With her parents in a mess, everything that she possessed was obtained by her hard work.

She had a beautiful face, which was the favor of God, but she had obtained all the success and opportunities herself.

Nina had always been bullied since she was a child. When she entered the entertainment industry and became a newcomer, it was even more difficult for her to endure. That was why she had become a tough and fierce person.

Usually, she wasn't that sad. It was because of Emelia that Caroline bullied her like this that she felt weak in her heart.


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