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Seriously, How Did He Win My Heart novel Chapter 245

Seeing that Emelia didn't speak for a long time, Nina comforted her in a light tone, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to have a relationship with him again. You don't have to put too much pressure on yourself. Anyway, let him be. Let's see what other tricks he can play."

In Nina's opinion, if Julian really wanted to chase Emelia again, he definitely wouldn't give up so easily.

Nina continued, "Just take it as a test."

Emelia said in a low voice, "In fact, I don't want him to waste time on me. His grandfather's health is not very good either, so that he must hope to see Julian have a perfect family as soon as possible."

Emelia still remembered that Grandpa being hospitalized a few days ago. Although it was just a false alarm, Grandpa was in his good age.

Nina replied her with a sigh emoji on WhatsApp, not knowing what to say.

Being such a stubborn man, Julian couldn't be persuaded by others to let go of Emelia. Since that was the case, he would have no choice but to endure all sorts of hardships along the way.

After asking for water twice, Julian's fever slowly dropped.

Emelia fed him water one more time and prepared another cup for him on the bedside table. She was about to go back to her room to rest.

Unexpectedly, just as she was about to turn around, her hand was grabbed by Julian. Emelia struggled a few times but failed.

Seeing that he was still a patient with a fever, Emelia thought for a while and decided not to be angry with him anymore. She sat down on the chair beside the bed. Later, she was so sleepy that she fell asleep beside the bed.

When she fell asleep in a daze, Emelia thought, " Anyway, I'm just lying beside the bed."

She didn't expect that when she was woken up by the knock on the door next morning, she would find that she was hugging Julian. After she fell asleep last night, she had been carried to the bed!

Emelia suddenly sat up from the bed and glared angrily at the culprit on the bed.

Julian had already woken up, and his eyes looked clear. It seemed that his fever had gone.

"You..." Emelia was so angry and extremely embarrassed as well.

She had been his wife for three years, so she naturally knew the real reaction of a man's body. When she had just woken up in his arms, he...

Vincent's voice sounded outside, "Emelia, are you in Julian's room?"

His words reminded Emelia. She had to put her anger aside and hurriedly got off the bed, tidied up her clothes, and walked over to open the door.

Vincent immediately stepped in and asked in disbelief, "Did you spend the night here last night?"

"I fell asleep on the sofa last night..."

She deliberately emphasized that she was sleeping on the sofa, in case Vincent got angry again.

Vincent was indeed very angry. Just now, he went to Emelia's room to knock on the door, but Emelia didn't respond for a long time. He was shocked and quickly came to Julian's room and found that she was here really.

Vincent was suddenly in a bad mood. He was so sad and angry, as if his diamond being stolen by a thief.

Even though Emelia had explained that she was sleeping on the sofa, he couldn't stop the fury. However, before he could open his mouth, Julian thanked him sincerely, "Mr. Longerich, thank you for taking me in last night."

"Since your fever has been down, quickly get out of here!" Vincent roared, then turned around and left with Emelia.


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